- Air consists chiefly of nitrogen. 空气主要由氮气组成。
- bioremoval of nitrogen 生物脱氮
- The main reservoir of nitrogen is the atmosphere. 氮的主要蓄存库是大气层。
- What is the percentage of nitrogen in air? 空气中所含的氮的比例是多少?
- The crux of the matter was a lack of nitrogen. 问题的关键在于缺少氮。
- Among the blue-green algae are many species of nitrogen fixation. 许多种蓝藻有固氮的能力。
- Urea is commonly used as the source of nitrogen in foliage sprays. 尿素作为氮素给源普遍地应用于叶面喷布。
- Has an atmosphere, which is mainly made up of nitrogen. 它拥有主要由氮组成的大气。
- The amount of nitrogen needed will increase as yield increases. 随着产量增加,需氮量也要增加。
- The discharge amount of nitrogen oxide can reduce 30%. 氮的氧化物排放量减少30%25。
- The Effect of Nitrogen on Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. 氮素对球孢白僵菌的影响
- Mycorhizae perform the function of nitrogen fixation and storage. 菌根起着固氮和贮氮的作用。
- Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of nitrogen. 人类没有能够探测到氮的存在的官能。
- What Form of Nitrogen is Easily Absorbable by Crops? 什么形态的氮容易被作物吸收?
- The use of nitrogen will depend on the solder paste flux chemistry. 是否使用氮气取决于焊锡膏焊剂的化学特性。
- The atmosphere consist of more than 70% of nitrogen. 大气中含有 70%25 以上的氮气。
- Every tonne of coal contains,on average,30 kilograms of nitrogen. 每吨煤平均含30公斤氮。
- The effect of nitrogen can be overcome by sheathing the flame in argon. 氮的影响则可以通过用氩气包覆火焰而予以克服。
- Two of the most serious air pollutants are oxides of sulfur and of nitrogen. 最严重的两种大气污染物是硫和氨的氧化物。