- And the main reason to bring biological sludge into circulating water system is caused by oil-leaking accident. 而循环冷却水系统生物黏泥的产生主要是因系统发生漏油事故所致。
- Is suitable dehydration to each kind of sludge, like the biological sludge, chemistry sludge, contain oil the sludge and the coherent sludge and so on. 适用于各种污泥之脱水,如生物污泥、化学污泥、含油污泥与粘性污泥等。
- The treatment consists of mixing the effluent with biological sludge and then feeding oxygen to oxidize the polluting organic compounds to carbon dioxide. 即首先把污水和生物泥浆相混合,然后通入氧气,把有机污染物氧化为二氧化碳。
- This study was undertaken to assess the technical feasibility of using the anaerobic fluidized bed(AFB) process to digest secondary biological sludge at four hydraulic retention times(HRT):1, 2.5, 5, and 10 days. 为研究厌气流化床处理二次污泥的技术可行性;分别用1;2.;5;5和10天的水力停留时间(HRT)进行试验。
- Magnetic treatment for lowering zeta potential of biological sludge 磁化处理对活性污泥胶体颗粒表面的zeta电位的影响
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- The school has a large biological laboratory. 这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。
- The convention bans the stockpiling of biological weapons. 该公约禁止储存生物武器。
- biological sludge 生物污泥
- The application of mathematical principles to biological processes. 生物数学应用于生物学过程的数学原理
- A thick, messy substance, such as sludge. 粘糊糊的东西粘稠肮脏的东西,如软泥
- biological sludge solid 生物污泥固体
- There was some sludge at the bottom of the tank. 油箱底有油泥。
- Repairing technical requirement for sludge pump ca. 绞吸式挖泥船泥浆泵泵盖修理技术要求。
- Repairing technical requirement for sludge pump ru. 绞吸式挖泥船泥浆泵防磨环修理技术要求。
- The biological study of bodies of water. 水生物学研究水体的生物学
- Repairing technical requirement for sludge pump sh. 绞吸式挖泥船泥浆泵耐磨衬板修理技术要求。
- Repairing technical requirement for sludge pump w. 绞吸式挖泥船泥浆泵叶轮修理技术要求。
- A series of batch biological reactors are used. 可用一组间歇式生物反应器。
- Effect of bacterial sludge on crops growth. 菌泥对作物生长影响的研究。