- biological packing tower 生物填料塔
- Treatment of Waste Gas Containing Trimethylamine by Biological Packed Tower 用生物填料塔处理三甲胺废气
- Keywords biological packed tower;trimethylamine;waste gas treatment; 生物填料塔;三甲胺;废气处理;
- biological packed tower 生物填料塔
- It has been widely used in the packing tower in the fields of petro-chemistry,fertilizer,chemical en... 发布者:李艳梅所在地:广西北海市行业:化工职位:单证员工作年限:应届毕业生
- The process of NO_2 removal from indoor polluted air by using aqueous solutions of Na_2SO_3 in a NO_2 absorber and a random packing tower was conducted. 分别在鼓泡反应器和填料吸收塔中研究了Na2SO3/MEA混合水溶液对室内空气中微量NO2的净化过程。
- Calculation method to determine sprayer point for liquid spray even distribution from row row piping sprayer in a packed tower with wave type packing is introduced. 介绍波纹填料塔内采用排管式喷淋器时液体喷淋点均布的计算方法。
- torrential rinsing packing tower 湍冲填料洗涤塔
- The result proves the feasibility of the bio-membrane packed tower in purifying waste gas with toluene. 结果表明:用生物膜填料塔对实际工业低浓度甲苯废气净化是可行的,净化效果良好。
- The stable bio-membrane came into being after inoculating a strain of Thiobacillus thioparus sp in aerobic up-flow packed tower. 在升流式填料塔中,通过接种排硫硫杆菌形成稳定生物膜。
- Dust and sulfur dioxide are removed by substituting plastic packed tower for bag deduster and steel sprinkling tower in a compound fertilizer facility. 采用塑料填料塔代替布袋除尘器和钢制喷淋塔,对复混肥干燥尾气进行除尘和脱硫,计算确定喷淋水量、塔径和填料装填量及运行阻力。
- The preparatory test research is carried on the sulfur dioxide gas by using biological-membrane packed tower with desulphurization bacilli. 利用排硫杆菌生物膜填料塔对含二氧化硫烟气的净化效果进行了初步实验。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。
- Phillip is packing up his goods. 菲利普正包装他的货物。
- According to the analysis, such concolusion that seperation efficiency is increasing with pressure dropping can be drawn in ethyl-benzene/styrene packed tower. 得出降低操作压力,有利于提高粗苯乙烯塔分离效率的结论。
- How would you pack the goods we have ordered? 我们订购的这批货,不知你们是怎么包装的?
- He used to smoke a pack of cigarette a day. 他过去经常一天抽一包香烟。
- The school has a large biological laboratory. 这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。