- The result achieved by mapping shows that the biologic diversity level of Luohe river basin is comparative high and the safeguard is well. 通过制图研究得出该地区生物多样性水平较高,保护措施良好。
- The degeneration characteristic of Qilihai wetland environment ecological system influenced by natural and human being are atrophy of wetland area, the water resource and biologic diversity decrease, and ecological environment gets worse. 由于自然和人为共同的影响,七里海湿地环境生态系统发生退化,湿地面积不断萎缩,水资源趋于枯竭,生物多样性急剧下降,生态环境日益恶化。
- Environmental groups believe in and fight for biological diversity. 环保团体相信物种多样性并为此奋斗。
- A survey of the Weddell Sea uncovers extraordinary biological diversity. 对威德尔海进行的勘察揭露了惊人的生物多样性。
- Do you know biological diversity is essential for a balanced ecosystem? 你们知不知道生物多样性,对维持生态平衡是很重要的!
- What Are the Strategy and the Action Program of Biological Diversity? 什么是生物多样性策略和行动计划?
- That has implications all the way down the food chain for biological diversity," he said. 这样就对生物多样性的食物链产生了影响。”
- Quality of the largest biological diversity and productivity of an ecosystem of the planet. 最大质量?生物多样性及生产力的一个地球生态系统。
- The conservation of components of biological diversity outside their natural habitats. 指将生物多样性的组成部分移到它们的自然环境之外进行保护(保育)。
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- Many species have disappeared or is going to disappear in future, which makes declines of biological diversity. 不少物种已经绝迹或濒临灭绝,导致生物多样性的衰减。
- Ex situ Conservation of Biological Diversity is a important way besides In situ Conservation. 生物多样性非原生境保护是原生境保护之外的重要途径。
- Wetland is an ecological system in nature with rich biological diversity and high productive forces. 摘要湿地是自然界富有生物多样性和较高生产力的生态系统。
- Gaines and Sax started the project with a question: What effect are humans really having on biological diversity? 然而,如果你在岛屿这样小的尺度研究这个问题,结果看起来会完全不一样。
- Kassie Siegel is a climate change activist with the Center for Biological Diversity in Joshua Tree, California. Kassie Siegel是一个气候改变的积极分子。他在加利福尼亚约书亚树的生物多样性中心工作。
- In their heyday, the corals along the shores of the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat were a hot spot for divers drawn by one of the most spectacular and biologically diverse reefs in the world. 以色列红海旅游胜地埃拉特沿岸的珊瑚群在繁盛时期曾经是潜水爱好者们热衷的地方,他们被这片世界上最壮观、千姿百态的珊瑚礁所吸引。
- Deforestation is causing a loss of biological diversity on an unprecedented scale. 砍伐森林正引发规模空前的生物多样性缺失。
- In their, the corals along the shores of the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat were a hot spot for divers drawn by one of the most spectacular and biologically diverse reefs in the world. 以色列红海旅游胜地埃拉特沿岸的珊瑚群在繁盛时期曾经是潜水爱好者们热衷的地方,他们被这片世界上最壮观、最千姿百态的珊瑚礁所吸引。
- Objective To compare on the biological diversity of mosquitoes at different altitude Mengshan mountains. 目的对蒙山不同海拔高度处的蚊虫群落进行多样性的比较研究。
- The diver poised on the edge of the high board. 跳水运动员在高台边上站稳。