- Biological Control of Rice Blast with Bacillus spp. 水稻稻瘟病拮抗细菌的筛选与防治初探。
- Biological control has been used in many parts of the world. 生物防治曾经在世界许多地方使用。
- Research Progress of the Biological Control for Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾生物防治研究进展。
- Research on biological control and its applications. 数字化期刊。生物防治研究及其应用概况。
- Biological control is an ecologically sound approach to pest suppression. 生物防治是一种生态学上的很好解决为害物的方法。
- This chapter is spent on three classic case of successful biological control. 本章着重于生物防治的三个成功的经典例子。
- Biological Control of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Avirulent Fusarium spp. 利用棉花体内非致病镰刀菌防治棉花黄萎病。
- Biological Control: Biological insecticide and Insect Growth Regulators. 生物防治:生物杀虫剂、昆虫生长调节剂。
- Weed Allelopathy ahd Its Utilization in Biological Control of Weeds. 杂草间的他感作用及其在杂草生防中的应用
- Physical, chemical and biological control and curative measures are discussed. 介绍了从物理、化学和生物方面出发所采取的防治措施。
- Postharvest Biological Control Green Mold of Citrus Fruits by Candida sp. 假丝酵母菌(Candida sp.;)对柑橘采后绿霉病的生物防治研究
- The Economic threshold for the biological control of DBM was determined. 然后又确定了小菜蛾生物防治的防治目标;
- The prospect of antifungal Trichoderma in the utilization of biological control was analysed. 简述了拮抗木霉菌在生物防治上的应用前景。
- The biological control progress of beet armyworm and the prospect were reviewed. 本文综述了甜菜夜蛾生物防治进展以及对生物防治的展望。
- Some scientists advocate biological control or integrated pest management. and they have achieved some successes. But neither is easy. 有的科学家提倡生物防治或综合防治,而且也取得了一些成果。但这两种途径都不容易。
- In nature,there are amphibious,repti1e and mammalia to prey on mosquito adult as ameans of biological control. 蚊虫成虫期的生物防治主要为自然界中的捕食者如两栖类、爬行类和哺乳类等动物。
- Micro-structure of materials has more remarkably biological control on proliferation and growth of cells. 材料表面的微观结构对细胞的生物调控作用更为重要。
- Topics cover entomology, biological control, integrated pest management, insect species, pesticides and regulations. 标本;机构;害虫综合治理;邮件列表;药物昆虫学;
- The potential of the main 3 species for biological control of Thrips palmiis is discussed. 中华微刺盲蝽是防治节瓜蓟马前景最大的天敌之一。
- This event was pivotal in establishing biological control as a practical means of reducing pest populations. 这件事对于建立生物控制从而有效地防治害虫起着至关重要的作用。