- Bio organic fertilizer 生物有机肥料
- Gardeners sprinkle organic fertilizer evenly on the soil. 园丁在泥土上均匀地喷洒有机肥料。
- The farmers often make organic fertilizer out of corn stalks. 农民们经常用玉米杆制造有机肥料。
- This technology can turn garbage into organic fertilizer. 这项技术可以把垃圾转化为有机肥料。
- The organic fertilizer shall keep the soil in good heart. 这有机肥一定会使土壤保持肥沃。
- The dejecta of deer is high quality organic fertilizer. 鹿的粪便是优质的有机肥料。
- The White House will provide organic fertilizer for the garden. 白宫将为这片菜园提供有机肥。
- A pharmaceutical enterprise who covertly conduction Bio Organic Weapons, better known as B. 安布雷拉是一个秘密开发生物有机武器,也就是众所周知的B.
- Have our own farm and use only organic fertilizers. 自设农场基地,全部使用农家肥料种植。
- He devised a closed toilet that gathered dung and urine into a container at the bottom, which was then used as organic fertilizer on his land. 他发明了一种密闭厕所,用来收集粪便和尿,随后进入底端的一个容器。这些收集起来的粪和尿作为有机肥料,施在他的地里。
- Inflammable:Fully refined from natural lumbers and herbs.Can be directly burnt orserved as the organic fertilizer after using. 可燃:天然木制和草药精致而成。使用后可直接燃烧或作用有机肥料。
- There are many bioactive peptides in bio organism, which have different special structures and biological functions and join in important life activities. 生物体中存在许多活性肽,它们具有不同的空间结构和生物功能,参与重要的生命活动。
- The biology fungoid, biology feeds, feed base, biology organic fertilizer is the most important backbone of our company. 公司技术人员经过多年的实践和高新科技的结合与研究,在秸秆生化饲料、生物有机肥等方面取得了丰富的成熟经验。
- Applying organic fertilizer to soil mainly increased NO3-N content,had a little influence on NH4+-N. 施用有机肥可增加土壤NO3--N含量,对NH4+-N含量的影响较小。
- The works also have succeeded in making compound organic fertilizer from dirt and silts. 污水处理厂污泥合成有机物也获得了成功。
- Compared to traditional aerobic composting, the process to get organic fertilizer was superior to. 与传统好氧堆肥过程相比较,获得这种副产品的过程优于传统好氧堆肥过程。
- The effect of PSB was more stable and perdurable than that of organic fertilizer. 施用光合细菌和有机肥可以改善土壤微生物区系,光合细菌作用比有机肥更稳定和持久。
- And organic fertilizer was the main factor for increasing microorganism and improving the organic content. 其中,施用有机肥是引起微生物数量增加、有机质含量提高的主要因素。
- High quality organic fertilizer was manufactured by using common waterhyacinth as raw material. 摘要研究利用水葫芦为原料生产出优质的有机肥料。
- So, the excessive application of organic fertilizer had very big influence on agricultural non-point source, pollution. 因此有机肥的过量施用对农业面源污染具有很大的影响。