- binary serial signaling rate 二进制串行传信率
- binary serial signalling rate 二进制串行信号传输速率
- Serial number under the CPU and disk serial number to generate machine code, and then encrypted to generate binary serial number. 根据CPU序列号和磁盘序列号生成机器码,然后对机器码进行加密生成序列号。
- Interfacing is via standard serial signal lines making the part directly compatible with microcontrollers and DSPs. 接口则通过标准串行信号线实现,使该器件可与微控制器和DSP直接兼容。
- Much of the problem with binary serialization is its brittleness. 二进制序列化的主要问题就是它的脆弱性。
- The system can make the total signaling rate very close to the Nyquist rate of given frequency band through the use of a lot of subchannels. 该系统利用大量的子信道使得总的信号速率能够非常接近给定频带的奈奎斯特速率。
- One of the problems with binary serialization is you can't look at the result. 使用二进制代码做序列化的问题之一就是你无法去查看结果。
- The decision maker of CR engine should consider both the changeable and the unchangeable factors such as cost, bandwidth, signal rate and ARQ. 感知无线电决策机应该既考虑带宽、信号速率、功率等可变因素,又考虑费用等不可变因素。
- The subjects in high signal rate task outperformed the subjects in low signal rate task and reported less state boredom. 提高信号率可以提高被试的作业绩效,减少厌烦感。
- The binary serializer, unlike the XML serializer, serializes fields, regardless of accessibility. 与XML序列化程序不同的是,二进制序列化程序序列化字段,而不管是否可以访问。
- Binary serialization preserves type fidelity, which is useful for preserving the state of an object between different invocations of an application. 二进制序列化保持类型保真度,这对于在应用程序的不同调用之间保留对象的状态很有用。
- The first byte is followed by a binary serialization of the key columns in the table to which the entity or column is bound in their native types. 第一个字节之后将跟随实体或列通过其本机类型绑定到的表中键列的二进制序列化。
- The following solution uses the TcpChannel with binary serialization for the RecordingsManager class described earlier (See Figure 2). 以下解决方案将TcpChannel以及二进制序列化用于前面描述的RecordingsManager类(请参阅图2)。
- The article concludes that you can achieve the highest performance by using the TCP channel and binary serialization with a Windows Service host. 该文的结论是,通过使用TCP通道和二进制序列化以及Windows服务主机,您可以实现最高性能。
- For data transfer and storage in a database, for example, you have to think about the variations between character and binary serialization. 例如,在数据库中传输和存储数据时,就需要考虑介于字符和二进制之间的序列化格式。
- Because of size and performance considerations, the.NET Compact Framework does not support binary serialization using BinaryFormatter, or SOAP serialization using SoapFormatter. 出于大小和性能方面的考虑;.;NET Compact Framework不支持使用BinaryFormatter的二进制序列化或使用SoapFormatter的SOAP序列化。
- In data communications, a mode in which data is transmitted at a specific data signalling rate during controlled, intermittent intervals. 在数据通信中,在受控制的时间间隔内,按特定数据信号发送速率发送数据的一种方式。
- data signaling rate transparency 数据通信速率透明性
- In ADO.NET 2.0, in addition to this behavior, we can also specify true binary serialization, by setting the RemotingFormat property to SerializationFormat.Binary rather than (the default) SerializationFormat.XML. 在ADO.;NET 2
- Currency notes bear serial numbers. 钞票上有连续的号码。