- binary arithmetical operation 二进制算术运算
- Binary arithmetic operators behave like a function call that accepts two parameters of the same type, and then return that type; however, the syntax is slightly different. 二进制算术运算类似调用同一个类的两个参数,然后返回那个类,但是,语法有些不同。
- binary arithmetic operation 二进制运算操作,二进制运算,二进制算术运算
- There is a convenient shortcut for using binary arithmetic operators in an assignment. For example, 在赋值时使用二元运算符有一个快捷的办法。
- An arithmetic operation in which the operands and the results are represented in the pure binary numeration system. 一种算术运算,其中操作数和结果都采用纯二进制记数系统表示。同dyadic operation。
- In this chapter we shall look at how the computer copes with negative numbers and fractions in binary arithmetic. 本章要介绍的是计算机如何用二进制算法来处理负数和小数。
- Performs an arithmetic operation that subtracts one number from another number. 执行一项算术运算,从一个数中减去另一个数。
- In binary arithmetic, a complementation process where all the 1's in a binary number are changed to 0's and vice versa. 二进制运算中的一种求反过程,在这种过程中,二进制数中的所有1都变换成0,所有的0都变换成1。
- Adequately educated in the use of numerical terms and concepts especially in arithmetical operations. 在使用数字术语和概念方面受到了足够的教育,特别是在算术运算方面。
- Operator is the binary arithmetic subtraction operator for the difference between two numeric expressions. 运算符为二进制算法减法运算符,用于计算两个数值表达式之差。
- In binary arithmetic, a complementation process where all the1's in a binary number are changed to0's and vice versa. 二进制运算中的一种求反过程,在这种过程中,二进制数中的所有1都变换成0,所有的0都变换成1。
- Q. Can I work with C++ without understanding bit patterns, binary arithmetic, and hexadecimal? 如果不懂比特、二进制和十六进制能学会c++吗?
- Context variable: A variable specified for the adaptive binary arithmetic decoding process of a bin by an equation containing recently decoded bins. 上下文变量:二进制算术解码器用的保存前面已经解码的二进制位的变量。
- The algorithm codes an image into multi-layer bitstream, and then the multi-layer bitstream is coded ulteriorly with the improved adaptive binary arithmetic. 将图像进行零树小波编码后的小波系数符号流采用改进的自适用算术编码方法进行二次编码。
- In this paper, a new image coding method based on wavelet transform-improved adaptive binary arithmetic coding, is proposed. 摘要基于零树小波算法提出了一种新的图像编码方法-改进的自适应算术编码。
- In an arithmetic operation,a result whose absolute value is too small to be represented within the range of the numeration system in use. 在算术运算中,运算结果的绝对值太小,以致不能在所用数制的范围内表示。
- In this paper,we propose a new implementation of multiplication-free binary arithmetic coding by use of table lookup which reduce the complexity of hardware design. 本文提出了利用表查找来实现二值算术编码,避免乘除法运算,可以简化硬件设计。
- The relationships among Boolean algebra,set algebra,logic,and binary arithmetic have given Boolean algebras a central role in the development of electronic digital computers. 由于布尔代数、集合代数、逻辑学和二进制算术之间的内在联系,使得布尔代数的理论在电子数字计算机的开发研制中举足轻重。
- Only exact numeric data is guaranteed accurate to the least significant digit specified after an arithmetic operation. 只有精确数值数据能确保会在算术运算后精确到指定的最小有效位。
- A widely known achievement of radio electronics is an electronic calculating machine that can perform several thousand arithmetical operations in one second. 电子计算机是无线电电子学的一项人所共知的成就,这种计算机一秒钟能进行数千次运算。