a positional system of numeration that uses binary digits and a radix of two
binary system的用法和样例:
Open DiskFile For Binary Access Read As SourceFile. 以二进制读方式打开源文件。
A serial-down binary counter is needed. 需要一个串行累减二进制计数器。
The Liquid Liquid equilibrium data of octane water and octane phosphoric acid water system were measured. 实验测定了不同温度下辛烷水二元体系和辛烷磷酸水三元体系的液液相平衡数据。
The design progress of this sequence generator starts with the listing of sequence both in decimal and binary. 在进行序列产生器的设计时,首先用十进制数和二进数同时列出所需要的序列。
All information on the web is digital and binary. 而网络上的一切信息均是数字及二进制的。
The integer types are required to have a binary value representation. 整数类型要求具有一个二进制的值表示法。
Computers operate using binary numbers. 计算机运行运用二进位制。
This item is about making sure that you don't create single monolithic programs, but that you build systems of binary, reusable components. 该条款是关于要确保你不会创建单块用来进行集成的程序,而是要构建二进制系统,可重用的组件。