- bimaxillary protruson 双颌前突
- Conclusion Bimaxillary protrusion patients may receive fine effects through orthognathic oper... 结论通过正畸正颌联合治疗,双颌前突畸形可以取得良好的治疗效果。
- Micro-implant can provide necessary anchorage to retract the front teeth in the clinical treatment of bimaxillary protrusion. 微型种植体支抗完全可以代替传统支抗方法,满足正畸临床治疗双颌前突的需要,实现前牙最大程度的内收。
- Disharmonious relationship of lip and chin , especialy the shape of soft chin of bimaxillary protrusion may disturb the beauty of facial profile. 影响双颌前突侧貌美观主要为唇颏关系不协调 ,特别是软组织颏部形态
- Kenneth Lew,Porfile changes following orthodontic treatmentof bimaxillary protrusion in adults with the Begg appliance Eur J Orthod 11(1989)375-381. 林燕等应用直丝弓矫治器对双牙弓前突进行拔牙矫治前后颌面软硬组织的变化口腔正畸学2002;9;1.
- Objective To summarize the the techniques and effects of bimaxillary protrusion treated with both orthognathic operation and orthodontic treatments. 目的总结正畸正颌联合治疗双颌前突畸形患者的疗效,为临床提供参考。
- Bimaxillary protrusion is a condition characterized by protrusive and proclined upper and lower incisors and an increased procubency of lips. 双颌前突是以上下前牙前突和上下唇前突为特征的常见错畸形,严重影响患者的面部美观。
- Objective: The purpose of this article is to characterize the teeth, jaws and soft tissues of the patients with bimaxillary protrusion in south China. 目的:探讨广东省双颌前突患者牙、颌以及软组织的特征。
- It is suite difficult for dentist to treat patients with upper anterior teeth lost due to severe periodontitis with bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion. 摘要临床上患有双颚齿槽前突合并有严重牙周病而丧失上颚若干前牙的病患,欲寻求理想的整合性复健是相当困难的。
- The goal is achieved by using maximum anchorage mechanics.This study presented a case report of bimaxillary protrusion treatment with microscrew anchorage. 本文对1例双颌前突患者在使用固定矫治器的同时采用微螺钉种植体作为支抗进行矫治,效果良好。
- Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this article is to characterize the teeth, jaws and soft tissues of the patients with bimaxillary protrusion in south China. 摘 要: 目的:探讨广东省双颌前突患者牙、颌以及软组织的特征。
- Objective To study the changes in soft tissue of facial profile after orthodontic treatment with four premolars extracted in bimaxillary protrusion in adolescents. 目的研究青少年双颌前突患者拔牙矫治前后侧面部软组织的改变。
- bimaxillary dento-alveolar protrusion 双颌牙槽前突
- bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusio 双颌牙槽前突
- bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion 双颌牙槽前伸
- Application of MBT to rectification of bimaxillary protrusion MBT在矫治双颌前突中的应用体会
- Keywords Anchorage Bimaxillary protrusion Straight wire appliance; 支抗;双颌前突;滑动直丝弓;
- Keywords Bimaxillary protrusion;Orthognathic surgery;Orthod ontics; 双颌前突;正颌外科;正畸;
- Keywords bimaxillary protrusion;extraction;soft-tissue profile; 双颌前突;拔牙;软组织侧貌;
- Keywords microscrew;bimaxillary protrusion;anchorage; 微螺钉种植体;双颌前突;支抗;