- bill presented for acceptance [经] 为承兑而提示的汇票
- On receiving a bill of exchange presented for acceptance by the holder, the drawee shall write out a receipt to the holder. 付款人收到持票人提示承兑的汇票时,应当向持票人签发收到汇票的回单。
- Where a bill of exchange is not presented for acceptance within the prescribed period, the holder thereof shall lose the right of recourse against his prior parties. 汇票未按照规定期限提示承兑的,持票人丧失对其前手的追索权。
- Article 41 In respect of a bill of exchange presented for acceptance, the drawee shall accept or refuse to accept it within three days after receipt of the bill. 第四十一条付款人对向其提示承兑的汇票,应当自收到提示承兑的汇票之日起三日内承兑或者拒绝承兑。
- No presentment for acceptance is needed for a bill of exchange payable at sight. 见票即付的汇票无需提示承兑。
- In no other case is presentment for acceptance necessary in order to render liable any party to the bill. 在其他情况下,并非必须作承兑提示始可使任何当事人履行汇票之责任。
- "Presentment for acceptance" is the act of a holder who presents the bill of exchange to the drawee and demands a promise of payment from the drawee. 提示承兑是指持票人向付款人出示汇票,并要求付款人承诺付款的行为。
- A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief,as by a religious,political,scientific,or philosophic group;dogma. 教条,教义由宗教、政治或哲学团体提出来要人接受或信仰的原理;教理
- A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma. 教条,教义由宗教、政治或哲学团体提出来要人接受或信仰的原理;教理
- The drawee shall accept or decline the draft within 3 days after the date of receipt of the draft presented for acceptance. 付款人应当在自收到提示承兑的汇票之日起3日内承兑或者拒绝承兑。
- Article 80 A commercial draft may be used after being presented to the drawee for acceptance, or may be used after being drawn and then presented for acceptance. 第八十条商业汇票可以在出票时向付款人提示承兑后使用,也可以在出票后先使用再向付款人提示承兑。
- The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March. 这张支票是在3月21日兑现的。
- She's buying a present for her boy-friend. 她在给男朋友购买礼品。
- Let's all chip in for a birthday present for Mary. 我们大家出钱买生日礼物送玛莉。
- The receipt shall specify the date of presentment for acceptance and shall be signed. 回单上应当记明汇票提示承兑日期并签章。
- The acknowledgment shall specify the date of the presentation for acceptance and shall be signed. 回单上应当记明汇票提示承兑日期并签章。
- Her nice present for you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you. 她送的精美礼物已经充分表明了她对你的看法。
- After receiving the draft for which presentation for acceptance is made, the payer shall sign an acknowledgment for receiving the draft. 付款人收到持票人提示承兑的汇票时,应当向持票人签发收到汇票的回单。
- He strung the coloured tiny stones together as a present for his sister. 他把这些五颜六色的小石头串成一串作为送给妹妹的礼物。
- The children banded together to buy a present for their teacher. 孩子们合起来为他们的老师买了一件礼物。