- teachers' bilingual teaching abilities 师资水平
- bilingual teaching ability 双语教学能力
- Results Bilingual teaching could be accepted by most students. 结果双语教学能为大多数学生接受。
- Bilingual teaching is a powerful measure to cultivate open type of medical professionals with the ability of international cooperation,interchange and competition. 双语教学是培养具有国际合作意识、国际交流与竞争能力的外向型医学人才的有力举措。
- The aim of surgical Chinese-English bilingual teaching is to improve medical students' ability of foreign language and international intercommunication. 外科学双语教学的目的是为了全面提高医学生的外语能力和国际交流能力。
- Good presentation skill and teaching ability. 良好的表达和教授能力。
- Bilingual teaching has been carried out in our school for several years. 我校开展教学工作已有几年时间。
- The better model of bilingual teaching of Modern Chinese is a contrast one. 针对现代汉语进行的双语教学比较好的方式是“对比式”。
- Results Most students approved of bilingual teaching of the subject. 结果大多数学生对双语教学表示赞同。
- Abstract:Bilingual teaching of genetics is a new teaching research area. 遗传学双语教学是一个全新的教学研究领域。
- In our country, bilingual teaching has been the hotspot in education innovation. 摘要双语教学已经成为我国教育改革的热点。
- Students with different English level held significantly different attitudes towards bilingual teaching(P<0.05). 不同英文水平的学生对双语教学有不同的认同态度(P<0.;001)。
- The two accreditations are Chinese-English bilingual teaching and dual diplomas accreditation systems. 中英双语教学和双学历的认证体系;
- In recent years, some explorations and practices on bilingual teaching have been earned out in Sichuan University. 摘要近几年来,四川大学在开展双语教学方面进行了一些探索与实践。
- This thesis concerns the preliminary bilingual teaching experiment employed in gymnastics class. 摘要本文介绍了体操课中运用双语教学的初步实验。
- The essay analyzed the necessity of bilingual teaching and clarified the reason why it can procced in microbiology. 剖析了西部高校生物技术专业开展双语教学的必要性以及把微生物学作为双语教学的突破口的可行性。
- Objective To evaluate the effects of bilingual teaching for undergraduate nursing program. 目的评价对护理本科生开展药理学双语教学的效果。
- The bilingual teaching mode, "immersion", "maintenance", "transitional", etc, is internationally widely used. 国际上广泛采用“沉浸型”、“维持型”、“过渡型”等双语教学模式。
- So educators should practice and learn boldly while keeping dispassion on the problems of bilingual teaching. 双语教学需要我们大胆实践,勇于探索,认真总结,困难面前勇者胜。
- However, some schools are likely to go wrongly during this promotion of bilingual teaching. 但很多学校在双语教学的试行过程中,存在一些错误做法。