- It is responsible for bilateral and multilateral relations. 负责协调多双边贸易协调。
- China has constantly strengthened bilateral and multilateral cooperation in drug control with other countries. 中国不断加强与外国的双边、多边国际禁毒合作。
- China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in Both Bilateral and multilateral contexts. 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。
- Bilateral and multilateral coordination mechanisms are used to address conflicts of privacy right protection. 为解决各国隐私权保护的冲突,可适用双边和多边协调机制。
- That is why we must remain committed to strong bilateral and multilateral coordination. 因此我们必须致力于强有力的双边和多变协调。
- Increase bilateral and multilateral donations for the conservation of high priority ecosystems and sustainable development of water supplies. 扩大双边和多边捐赠,维护高度优先的生态系统和供水的可持续发展。
- Further progress has been made in bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations as well as regional economic cooperation. 五、多双边经贸关系及区域经济合作进一步发展。
- On the contray, China's implemention of top-down policy would bring it a big advantage in bilateral and multilateral carbon diplomacy. 反观中国,其国内自上而下的政策实施将为其在双边和多边碳外交中谋取重要的筹码。
- North Korea is a serious and serial violator of pretty well every international law, bilateral and multilateral agreement on nuclear matters. 连南韩这个同根生,而且最有耐心的邻居,也要求北韩遵守国际法,否则将切断民生援助。
- China adheres to the United Nations theme of equality,development and peace when taking part in international bilateral and multilateral women's activities. 中国在广泛参加国际妇女双边和多边活动中,始终坚持联合国提出的平等、发展与和平的主题。
- It also contains the contents of bilateral and multilateral cultural communications、students abroad cultivations, lingual spreads and medium information and so on. 文化外交包括双边和多边文化交流、留学生培养、语言推广和媒体信息交流等活动。
- Being a composing part indispensable of the bilateral and multilateral international cooperation,it boasts a capacious perspective and a great potential. 南南合作有着广阔的前景和巨大的潜力,是双边和多边国际合作中重要的、不可缺少的组成部分。
- We expect this funding will come from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources of finance. 我们预期这笔资金将来自政府与民间、双边与多边等多种广泛的渠道,其中还包括特种融资渠道。
- Members shall, upon request, enter into consultations with the aim of achieving bilateral and multilateral agreements on recognition of the equivalence of specified sanitary or phytosanitary measures. 应请求,各成员应进行磋商,以便就承认具体卫生与植物卫生措施的等效性问题达成双边和多边协定。
- I believe the first meeting of the heads of the governments of SCO member countries to be held in the fall of 2001 will greatly push forward bilateral and multilateral economic and trade cooperation. 我相信,今秋举行的成员国总理首次会晤,将对双边和多边经贸合作产生重要的推动作用。
- Especially since the September11 th event, Viet Nam has joined other countries in combating terrorism on the bilateral and multilateral basis to root out the threat of terrorism against national security and stability. 特别是911事件以来,越南已经在双边或多边基础上与其他国家一起加入了打击恐怖主义的行动中,努力消除恐怖主义对国家安全和稳定的威胁。
- It has in fact started to prepare the ground for this colossal undertaking with its partners in the United Nations system, the international financial institutions, the bilateral and multilateral agencies and the nongovernmental organizations. 粮农组织实际上已开始与联合国系统各伙伴、国际金融机构、双边和多边机构以及非政府组织一起,为这项浩大的事业奠定基
- It will take an active part in the multilateral trading system, as well as regional and international economic cooperation. It will develop its bilateral and multilateral trading ties in an all-round way. 中国将积极参加多边贸易体系和国际区域经济合作,全面发展多边和双边经贸关系。
- We have carried out Both Bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities extensively and taken an active part in international exchanges and cooperation. China's international standing has risen still further. 广泛开展双边和多边外交,积极参与国际交流和合作,我国的国际地位进一步提高。
- Bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, such as the U.N. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the European Cybercrime Convention, should be developed to promote effective vehicles for cooperation and mutual assistance. 有关方面应致力建立有效打击跨境有组织罪行的双边及多边合作机制,如反跨国有组织罪行联合国公约及欧洲计算机网络罪行公约等。