- Abstract: Zero sequence directional power protection is widely used in neutral directly grounded system. 文摘:在大電流接地系統中廣泛採用著零序功率方向保護。
- So a new control strategy is proposed to detect and suppress the influence of zero sequence component injected by DVR. 為此 ,提出了新的控制策略 ,該控制策略通過檢測並消除指令中的零序分量 ,以破壞無零序電流迴路系統的零序電壓正反饋條件 ,消除 DVR注入零序電壓的不良影響。
- The voltage regulation characteristic of autotransformer,external compensation of zero sequence current for three Y au . 論證自耦變壓器的電壓調整性能、三Y型自耦變壓器的零序電流外補償、自耦變壓器繼電保護整定的特殊問題。
- Whereas, if it is supplying the unsymmetric burden, the primary currents will be unsymmetric, but only have negative sequence and no zero sequence. 如果二次側負載不對稱,一次側電流雖不對稱,但僅有負序出現,並無零序分量。
- This work successfully develops a new intelligent HIF detector that adopts 3I0 zero sequence current to solve HIF problems in aerial lines. 本論文成功地開發一種新的智慧型高阻抗故障偵測器,它利用3I0零序電流偵測架空線的高阻抗故障。
- The zero sequence current transformer is full enclosed type. The secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. The middle hole is used for cable going through. 本型零序電流互感器為全封閉式。二次繞組及鐵芯均澆注在聚脂樹脂內。中間窗孔供三相電纜穿過。
- When zero sequence or high secondary harmonic current component appear in the circuit, the total current in the shield is zero, no electromagnetic interference with outside. 當線路出現零序或高次諧波電流分量時,屏蔽層內電流總和為零,不對外界產生電磁干擾。
- In this paper, we investigate the iterated order and iterated convergence exponent to zero sequence of the solutions of some classes of differential equations. 摘要本文研究了幾類微分方程解的迭代增長級及零點迭代收斂指數。
- In normal conditions, there are two causes of maloperation of zero sequence directional protection, i.e, a fault from the device itself and wrong wiring outside the device. 而造成零序方向保護誤動的原因無非兩種,其一是由於裝置本身故障引起的;其二則是由於裝置外部接線錯誤造成的。
- The zero sequence impedance of the cable changes with the zero sequence current as the zero sequence current flows in the ground and the sheathing simultaneously. 電力電纜的零序阻抗隨零序電流的大小而改變,如果採用恆定值的零序阻抗來進行零序電流保護的整定,容易導致保護的不正確動作。
- Using centralized control mode, the method centralizes zero sequence current (ZSC) of each branch switch to a device.The device controls each branch switch and main switch. 它採用集中控制模式,把各支路開關的零序電流集中到一個設備內,設備同時控制各支路開關和總開關。
- negative phase sequence resistance 負相序電阻
- Yueqing Zhengda Soft Magnetic Alloy Co.,Ltd is a high-tech company that mainly produces ultra-crystallite (nanometer cryst-allite) material,ultra-crystallite magnetic core,current transformer,Zero sequence current transformer,toroidal transformer. 樂清市正大軟磁合金有限公司,是一家專業生產超微晶(納米晶)帶材,超微晶磁芯,電流互感器,零序互感器,環型電感的高科技、軟磁公司。
- positive phase sequence resistance 正相序電阻
- The reactance of the shield in the zero sequence state is low, which is helpful for the application of new type automatic protecting equipment with short circuit, and the safe running of the cable and other relative equipment. 屏蔽層在零序工作狀態下的電抗值低,有利於新型短路自動保護設備的應用,有利於電纜及其相關設備的安全運行。
- In this paper, we study the finite iterated order of growth and the iterated convergence exponent of the zero sequence of nonzero meromorphic solutions of second order homogeneous linear differential equation, and obtain some precision evaluation. 摘要研究了二階齊次線性微分方程非零亞純解的迭代級與零點迭代收斂指數,得到了它們的精確估計。
- Analysis and simulation are carried out with the four-arm inverter, the simulation results verify that the APF with one-cycle control can dynamically and effectually compensate the harmonics, reactive current and zero sequence current. 在對四橋臂變換器的三相四線制有源濾波器進行分析、建模的基礎上,進行了模擬研究,模擬結果表明單周控制三相四線制有源濾波器能有效地補償系統諧波、零序和無功電流,而且響應快、補償性能好。
- The results of experiment and simulation indicate that harmonics,negative and zero sequence current in three phase and f our wire system could be compensated by two types of main power circuits. 實驗和模擬結果表明,這兩種不同形式的主電路有著各自的特點,均可對三相四線制系統中的諧波、負序及零序電流進行補償。
- Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她對這個建議的抵觸情緒已化為烏有了。
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 溫度突然下降到零下10度。