- I will write objectively about your country. 我將客觀地報導你們國家的情況。
- What are the chief exports of your country? 你們國家有哪些主要的出口物品?
- Is military service compulsory in your country? 你們國家實行義務兵役制嗎?
- Is meat packing a big industry in your country? 在你們國家裡,肉類加工廠是否算一門大型工業?
- Is it customary to tip waiters in your country? 在貴國依照慣例是否應該付給服務員小費?
- When was universal suffrage introduced in your country? 貴國是什麼時候實行普選權的?
- Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country? 你們國家的政治嫌疑犯受警察監視嗎?
- Is the press a great power in your country? 貴國的報界有很大的影響力嗎?
- What are good manners in your country? 在你們國家什麼是好習慣?
- I conjure you not to betray your country. 我懇求你不要出賣國家。
- Which political party is in office in your country? 貴國是哪一個政黨執政?
- How much is the airport tax in your country? 你們國家要交多少機場稅?
- I've come to apply for a visa to your country. 我來申請去你們國家的簽證。
- Do women have the vote in your country? 貴國的婦女有選舉權嗎?
- Is the climate hot in your country? 你們國家氣候炎熱嗎?
- How do you handle letters without postage stamps on them in your country? 你們國家是如何處理不貼郵票的信件的?
- How to resolve the dispute in your country? 在貴國怎樣解決國際貿易中的糾紛呢?
- What's the capital of your country? 貴國首都是哪兒?
- What is the capital of your country? 貴國首都是哪兒?
- I've heard that your country is very beautiful. 我聽說你們國家風景很美。