- Shake up the salad-dressing before you put it on. 把色拉調味汁搖勻再灑在色拉上。
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他將輪椅摺疊起來放在船上。
- Don't buy from that shop, they put it on. 別從那個商店裡買東西,他們要價太高。
- Certainly,sir. Let me just help you put it on. 先生,當然可以,讓我幫您穿上吧。
- Shakeupthe salad-dressing before you put it on. 把色拉調味汁搖勻再灑在色拉上。
- You put it on my apron, and then take out money. 你把它放在我的圍裙上,然後把錢取出來。
- He scratched a note and put it on her desk. 他草草寫了一張字條放在她書桌上。
- He collapsed the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他將輪椅摺疊起來放在船上。
- Would you like to put it on your hotel bill? 您準備將它記到您住賓館的總帳上嗎?
- Certainly, sir. Let me just help you put it on. 先生,當然可以,讓我幫您穿上吧。
- Boy:" Can you take off my helmet and put it on? 男孩:「你可以脫下我的頭盔並自己戴上嗎?
- He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car. 他將小艇放在汽車後面的拖車上運輸。
- Let's thrash the matter over before putting it on the agenda. 我們先把這件事仔細研究一下,再把它列入議事日程。
- It wasn't as hard as you claim,you're putting it on. 它並不像你說的那麼難,你在誇大其詞。
- You can put it on my Visa card. The number is 409 6237. 你可以記在我的信用卡上,號碼是: 409 6237。
- I refuse to shop at that store any more, they are well known for putting it on. 我再也不到那家商店買東西了,他們要價過高是聞名的。
- When you pick up your luggage,please put it on these carts. 大家取到行李后,請放在這幾輛手推車上。
- Here is a coat for you to wear. You had better put it on now. 這兒有一件衣服,你最好把它穿上。
- He picked up the ash tray and put it on the table. 他拾起煙灰缸,放到桌上。
- You can't put it on your transcript, what's the point? 你不能把這個記在筆記本上有什麼用?