- Most paddy fields here used to yield only one crop a year, but now they all yield two crops. 過去這裡的水田多隻種一季,現在全部種兩季。
- Sometimes two crops a year are taken in the humid tropics. 在濕潤的熱帶地區有時一年種兩季作物。
- They get two crops of rice a year. 他們一年收穫兩季稻。
- An advantage of rice over other cereals is that, in some favored areas, three crops a year are possible , while two crops are very common. 大米比其他穀物有一點優越之處,就是在條件比較好地區,一年可以收三次,而收成兩次是很常見的。
- We get two crops of rice a year. 我們一年有兩次稻米收成。
- We grow two crops of rice a year here. 我們這裡一年種兩季稻子。
- reap two crops a year instead of one 由種一季改為種兩季
- change from two crops a year to three 改一年兩造為一年三造
- Conservation tillage for corn-wheat two crops a year region 玉米-小麥一年兩熟保護性耕作體系試驗研究
- In some areas they were getting three crops a year. 有些地區稻子一年收三季。
- Producing Potatoes Two Crops a Year in Xinjiang by Using Early Potatoes 早熟脫毒馬鈴薯在新疆兩季栽培試驗
- The land is so fertile that three crops a year can grow. 這片土地很肥沃,一年可種三季莊稼。
- Technique Characteristic and Discussion of Related Machines for Conservation Tillage of Two Crops a Year 兩茬平作保護性耕作技術特點及機具配套的探討
- Technology of Conservation Tillage to Use in Dry Land of Two Crops a Year and Selection of Machines and Tools 旱地一年兩熟保護性耕作技術及其相關機具
- Experimental Study on Conservation Tillage System in Areas of Two Crops a Year in North China Plain 華北平原一年兩熟保護性耕作體系試驗研究
- two crops a year 一年兩熟
- plant one or two crop a year 種一或二季
- It should base on the field surface condition, the size of plot and the economic status and so on to select adaptive wheat no-tillage drills for areas with two ripe crops a year. 用戶應根據不同地區地表覆蓋狀況、地塊的大小、經濟狀況等選擇適合的小麥免耕播種機來實施和推廣保護性耕作技術。
- I haven't seen him for a year or two. 我有一兩年沒見他了。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新醫院的全部設備需要一年才能裝備好。