- Her face had turned a milky yellow colour. 她的臉色一片蠟黃。
- I have bought the pajamas of yellow colour. 我買了黃色的睡衣褲。
- Why do you buy the yellow colour? 你為什麼買黃色的?
- The rose is red colour and yellow colour. 玫瑰是紅色和黃色的。
- I have told you,and have not bought the yellow colour for me. 我告訴過你,不要給我買黃色的。
- The wine has a brilliant yellow colour with green glints. 該款佳釀呈現出明亮的金澤和翠綠的光澤。
- Grape Variety: Dubois Colour: Brilliant yellow colour. O.;葡萄品種:圖博易斯色澤:明黃色。
- The colour Index uses the classification Ingrain for a small group of phthalocyanine compounds once used for textile printing. 染料索引中定義原紗染色是小基團的酞氰化合物,其用於紡織品的印花。
- Clouds are in white to pale yellow colours. 雲層呈白至淡黃色。
- At one hut he gets beetroot leaves, at another an onion skin, out of which he makes a yellow colour. 他在這個農民家裡拿點紅甜菜,在那個農民家裡拿 點蔥皮,用來做黃色顏料。
- At one hut he gets beetroot leaves,at another an onion skin,out of which he makes a yellow colour. 他在這個農民家裡拿點紅甜菜,在那個農民家裡拿點蔥皮,用來做黃色顏料。
- When the moon is near the horizon it has a red or yellow colour, but as gets higher in the sky it becomes whiter. 當月亮接近地平線它有一個紅色或黃色膚色,而是作為獲得更高的天空變得更白。
- The warm sunlight is seeping through the bamboo curtain and dapples on the wall with a light yellow colour. 溫暖的陽光,穿過葦簾,照在淡黃色的壁上。
- Hangchow chrysanthemum helps to remove body heat in humid summers. Adds a light yellow colour to your jelly. 杭菊花能於暑濕天疏散風熱,而且色澤嫩黃,能令大菜增加色彩。
- Ring pommel is made of iron undoubtedly,integrated.The position appears yellow colour is the mixed gold decorations. 環首乃鐵無疑,一體。環一面不連。見黃處糸錯金紋飾,
- Grape Variety: Semillon, Sauvignon and Muscadelle Colour: A pretty golden yellow colour. C.;葡萄品種:斯美安、蘇維翁、密思卡岱色澤:美麗的金黃色。
- WOW, this is the master of disguise and expert hunter, the yellow colour Frog Fish (( See pictures shown here! 這是條偽裝大師及獵物高手,黃色的蛙魚!(不知「蛙魚」這個中文名稱可否真確?
- Tasting notes: This wine shows a light yellow colour and citrus aromas, well married with a touch of oak. 品嘗說明:淡黃色的酒液,散發著柑橘的氣息,與橡木的味道珠聯璧合,口感圓潤,新鮮,清脆。
- Refreshing bouquet of 15 roses in red and yellow colours. 紅玫瑰與黃玫瑰為主的15朵玫瑰花束。
- Peony essence is the kind of 100% pure natural abstraction with light yellow colour and fragrant flavor. 牡丹精油為100%25純天然提取淡黃色液體,氣味清香。