- The soft vibrant sound made by a cat. 呼嚕聲,嗚嗚聲貓發出的輕柔顫動的聲音
- The sound made by rippling water. 潺潺聲由不斷滴落的水滴發出的聲音
- To utter the sound made by cattle; moo. 哞哞叫牛發出聲音,哞哞叫
- The braying sound made by a donkey. 驢叫聲驢發出的叫聲
- Used to imitate a sound made by a gun when fired. 用來模仿開槍時發出的聲音
- The sound made by a hen after laying an egg. 母雞下蛋后發出的聲音。
- The sound made by a sharp, swift blow. 重擊聲用力快速重擊聲
- The light chirping sound made by certain birds. 由某些鳥尖發出的啁啾聲
- The long, high-pitched sound made by a horse. 馬嘶鳴聲馬發出的高調的長嘯聲
- The ticking sound made by a clock. (尤指大鐘的)滴嗒聲時鐘發出的滴嗒聲
- To emit the deep,bellowing sound made by a cow; low. 母牛發出的低沉的吼叫;低的。
- A deep, prolonged bark, such as the sound made by hounds. 吠叫聲;咆哮聲:大聲連續的狗吠聲,如獵犬發出的聲音。
- The sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this). 貓或類似貓發出的叫聲。
- The sound made by a light stroke or tap or by light footsteps. 拍打聲,輕輕的腳步聲輕輕的撫摸、拍打或輕輕的腳步所發出的聲音。
- To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low. 哞哞地叫母牛發出的低沉的吼叫;低的
- A sound made by or as if by the forming and bursting of bubbles. 冒泡聲,沸騰聲,汩汩聲。
- The sharp, rapid sounds made by some birds and animals. 尖叫聲一些鳥類或動物發出的快速的尖叫聲
- Wills made by persons with no capacity or with limited capacity shall be void. 無行為能力人或者限制行為能力人所立的遺囑無效。
- The characteristic sound made by a hen when brooding or calling its chicks. 咯咯聲母雞孵蛋或呼喚小雞發出的有特色的聲音
- Out of the window, the bustle voice was louder than the sound made by cicadas. 窗外的喧鬧聲漸漸壓過了嘶啞的蟬聲。