- This data is used as reference only and AUO does not make any endorsement or representation in connection therewith. 2006 year end revenue converted by an exchange rate of NTD32.59:USD1. 其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經本站證實,對本文以及其中全部或者部分內容、文字的真實性、完整性、及時性本站不作任何保證或承諾,請讀者僅作參考,並請自行核實相關內容。
- The exchange rate of RMB was stable,standing at 1 US dollar = 8.2773 RMB yuan at the end of the year. 人民幣匯率保持穩定,年末時,1美元兌8.;2773元人民幣。
- The exchange rate stood at 1 US dollar = 8.2789 RMB Yuan at the end of the year,an appreciation of 9 basic potions. 年末1美元兌8.;2789元人民幣,比上年末略升9個基本點。
- The exchange rate stood at 1 US dollar = 8.2789 RMB Yuan at the end of the year, an appreciation of 9 basic potions. 年末1美元兌8.;2789元人民幣,比上年末略升9個基本點。
- Most of the year end gift I receive is spice. 我收到的年禮大部分是調味品。
- The exchange rate today be250 Japanese yen to the pound. 今天的兌換率是1英鎊換250日元。
- All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate. 所有經濟部門都遭受到這次匯率下跌帶來的損失。
- Most of the year end gift I receive are spice. 我收到的年禮大部分是調味品。
- The Telecom Industry at the Year End? 年節將至,通信圈裡都在忙什麼?
- How much is your year end bonus? 你的年終獎金多少?
- Involve production, RM stock taking year end. 年底參與產成品、原材料的盤點工作。
- It seems the exchange rate fluctuates almost daily. 外匯兌換率似乎每天都在上下波動。
- The exchange rate of the pound moved up sharply. 英鎊的兌換率急劇上升。
- The fall in the exchange rate is slowing down. 匯率下跌的速度在放慢。
- What's your exchange rate for RMB notes today? 你們今天人民幣現鈔的售價是多少?
- The only time he work hard is at the year end cleaning. 他唯一努力工作是在年終大掃除的時候。
- The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped. 匯率下降時,公司一下子破了產。
- It's a pain in the neck trying to choose the right year end gift. 選擇合適的年禮真是件傷腦筋的事。
- Would you please tell me the exchange rate today? 請你告訴我今天的外匯兌換率好嗎?
- I have just all drunk all these wine to this year end. 他此刻已經到達。