- 其中可食用真菌39種,藥用真菌18種(具抗癌作用的9種),有毒真菌4種,菌根真菌5種。 同時對其生境、經濟用途及分佈多度進行了簡要的說明及分析The habitat, economical value, abundance of these 75 species, The species belonged to 2 classes, 8 orders, 19 families and 42 generas, were also discussed of which 18 species were medicinal fungi (9 species had anti cancer function), 39 species were edible fungi, 4 species were poisonous fungi, 5 species were mycorhiza fungi.
- 具utensil
- 作用action
- 據記載:絞股藍能清熱、解毒、止咳、祛痰,可代替人蔘作補氣葯,還具抗癌的神奇功效,對傳染性肝炎、氣管炎、氣虛諸證也有療效。According to recording: Gynostemma pentaphyllum can clear away heat, detoxify, relieve a cough, eliminate the phlegm, can replace ginseng make and mend angry medicine, still have magical efficiency of resisting the cancer, all cards are effective in cure too to infective hepatitis, chronic bronchitis, deficiency of vital energy.
- 起作用work
- 作用的functionary
- 治具tool
- 發揮作用play a role
- 磨具sharper
- 作用於act on
- 潔具cleaners and polishes
- 三氧化二砷(As_2O_3)抗癌作用及其細胞和分子機制的研究Studies on the Biological Effects of Arsenic Trioxide (As_2O_3) on Treating Tumors and Its Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
- 陽具membrum
- 不起作用malfunction
- 吊具hanger
- 交互作用interaction
- 索具rigging
- 充分發揮作用put into fullplay
- 馬具harness
- 共同作用coaction