- Record the audit outcome and send audit report. 記錄稽查結果併發出稽查報告。
- An unqualified audit report is also known as a "clean" report. 無保留審計意見書也稱「潔凈意見書」。
- The contents of audit work should be made as work draft, showing audit contents, and an audit report should be written according to this. 稽核工作內容應做成工作底稿,顯示查核內容,並據以撰寫稽核報告。
- ISO 19011 and the ISO/IEC 17021 explain what an audit report should contain. ISO 19011和ISO/IEC17021解釋,審核報告應當包括哪些內容。
- A special audit report was submitted to the Chief Executive,and made public,in August. 有關的特別審查報告於一九九九年八月呈交行政長官,並向公眾公開。
- Manage the supplier documents, supplier audit report, supplier quality performance report and so on. 管理供應商文件,比如供應商審核報告,供應商質量表現報告。
- Internal quality audit for production line by regularly and submit the audit report. 定期對公司內部進行質量點檢並提交報告。
- The audit report of the pilot was presented to the WIPO Audit Committee at its July 2007 meeting. 領航員的審計報告已提交給WIPO審計委員會2007年7月的會議。
- During the closing meeting, auditee management is presented with the written audit observations and/or corrective action requests, and these form the basis for discussion of the audit results. 在末次會議上,在書面審核觀察資料和/或糾正措施要求中提及被審部門的領導。
- This audit report has been prepared for inclusion in the circular to the shareholders of ABC Limited. 本審計報告已製作完畢,可歸入(附在)向ABC有限公司的股東遞交的函件(文件)(如果是附在,則結尾處加「中」)。
- A special audit report was submitted to the Chief Executive, and made public, in August. 有關的特別審查報告於一九九九年八月呈交行政長官,並向公眾公開。
- The audit report shall be deposited within 3 weeks after completion of the mitigation measures. 審核報告須在緩解措施完成後的3個星期內向署長存放。
- And the last QAA audit report (2002) acknowledges our "strong record of achievement in QAA subject reviews". 在英國QAA的審查報告(2002年)中肯定了「魯頓大學在課程點評上取得的優異成績」。
- The audit report, the management report, the letter of transmittal to a tax return are forms of communication. 審計表格、管理報告,傳送稅票回執的文件都是交流的方式。
- Accomplish other tasks arranged by team director, like file archiving and compiling audit report. 完成審核組長交代的其它工作,如整理、歸檔審核文件、協助編寫審核報告等;
- Writing audit log events is comparable to writing database log records in a database system. 編寫審核日誌事件可比作在資料庫系統中編寫資料庫日誌記錄。
- Manage authorizing the QC report forms and auditing report forms. 具有編製品質報表和審核報表的管理水平;
- No detailed written audit program 無詳細書面審計程序表
- Another type of audit report is "conditions requiring a departure." There are two conditions requiring a departure from a Standard Unqualified Audit. 另一個審計報告是「需拆離情況報告」。以下兩種情況需要從標準不合格項審計報告中拆離出來
- Social responsibility third party audit report(ESC) is needed.An initial on-site instruction audit from Coles people is available and free. 需要社會責任第三方審查報告,可以現場並且有權審查Coles人的起始指令。