- The Main Press Center (MPC) is the central work place for the 5, 600 accredited written and photographic press covering the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 主新聞中心(MPC)是北京2008年奧運會期間,5 600名註冊記者註冊文字和攝影媒體的工作總部。
- The Media Operations Department will provide the best possible working conditions for members of the accredited written and photographic press and Non-rights-holding Broadcasters. 媒體運行部負責為註冊文字人員、攝影記者以及非特權轉播商提供儘可能好的工作條件。
- The Main Press Centre (MPC) is an Olympic non-competition venue and is the central work place for the accredited written and photographic press at the Olympic Games. 主新聞中心,簡稱MPC,是奧運會的一個非競賽場館。它是奧運會期間註冊的文字和圖片新聞機構的主要工作場地。
- Write and send out press releases using a PR service. 寫一些文章並在媒體上發表。
- Please write and let me have your thoughts on the matter. 請寫信讓我知道你對此事的看法。
- He is interested in athletics sport and photograph. 愛好體育運動及攝影。
- I feel constrained to write and protest the decision. 我不得不寫信抗議這一決定。
- Her novels are well written and commercial as well. 她的小說寫得好,銷路也廣。
- He was very fond of writing and reciting poetry. 他很喜歡寫詩、背詩。
- In addition we MUST fingerprint and photograph all non US citizens. 對於所有非美籍公民者,必須採集指紋及照相。
- She's very creative; she writes and paints. 她很有創作能力,既從事寫作又從事繪畫。
- The report is vividly written and very moving. 這篇通訊寫得真切感人。
- I've always wanted to go on safari and photograph some elephants. 我一直都很想參加狩獵旅行,拍些大象的照片。
- It was written and performed by Weird Al Yankovic. 由威爾德?艾爾?揚科威克創作並表演。
- Write and tell me how you like the idea. 來信告訴我,你認為這個想法如何。
- Completely fluent in both written and oral English. 英文書寫對話流利。
- Be good at both written and spoken English. 英文良好。
- Fluency in written and reading English and Chinese. 流利的英語和漢語的讀寫能力。
- Written and spoken English and Chinese. 能熟練進行英語交流。
- Negotiation, written and oral communication skills. 談判,口頭和書面溝通能力。