- 使用Wrap屬性指定或確定單元格內容是否在單元格內換行。Use the Wrap property to specify or determine whether the content of the cell wrap in the cell.
- all-around weld (整周焊縫)環焊縫
- Click-wrap contract是電子格式合同中最具代表性的一種。Click-wrap contract is a standard E-contract, which leads to its compound characteristic composed by both the characteristics of E-contract and those of traditional standard contract.
- 結交為好朋友或親密的夥伴,常與around一起用to associate as friends or chums,often used with around
- 下面的代碼示例演示如何使用Wrap屬性使TextBox控制項中輸入的文本進行換行。The following code example demonstrates how to use the Wrap property to wrap text entered in the TextBox control.
- 片語「to be led around by the nose」表明人的弱點,The phrase @to be led around by the nose@ shows man's weakness.
- 環球服裝生產社會責任(WRAP)---是一套專為縫製產品及人工密集工業的生產準則。Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP) outlines principles for manufacturers to follow for sewn goods and labor-intensive consumer products.
- 中性音的發音時舌頭位於中間位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position, neither high nor low, as the a in around.
- 若要了解如何使用Wrap參數顯示返回的信息,請比較以下兩個示例中Get-Command命令的輸出。To see how the Wrap parameter is used to display returned information, compare the output of the Get-Command command in the following two examples.
- 結為夥伴結交為好朋友或親密的夥伴。常與around一起用To associate as friends or chums. Often used with around.
- 使用Wrap屬性指定多行TextBox控制項中顯示的文本在到達控制項末尾時,是否自動在下一行繼續顯示。Use the Wrap property to specify whether the text displayed in a multiline TextBox control automatically continues on the next line when the text reaches the end of the control.
- 乞丐,流浪者靠從一地到另一地的乞討和揀拾垃圾為生,常與around連用To live by begging and scavenging from place to place. Often used with around.
- 最後歸納了如何運用Wrap、Pipeline、Replicate、Combine等設計模式構建基於混合模型的流媒體網路伺服器。The paper also induces how to use design rules such as Wrap, Pipeline, Combine and Replicate to design streaming media network server.
- Scamper(around,away,off,等)僅用於小動物(小狗、老鼠等)和兒童.Scamper(around, away,off,etc)is only used of small animals(puppies,mice,etc)and children.
- 中性音的發音時舌頭位於中間位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音。Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position,neither high nor low,as the a in around.
- 海邊,vt.1. 給...縫邊(或鑲邊),2. 包圍;禁閉[(+in/about/around)]vi.1. 做褶邊the hem of the sea
- 你能給解釋一下異側擺越嗎? The gymnast releases one hand from the pommel and brings his legs around.Can you explain an undercut to me?
- 第一章對click-wrap contract進行了總括的概述。 由於click-wrap contract尚未有一個統一的中文翻譯,所以本章第一節在分析了click-warp contract內涵后提出應以「網路點選合同」來命名這種合同。Chapter 1 is a summarization of click-wrap contract, which includes the uniform Chinese translation of click-wrap contract, the definition of click-wrap contract and its basic characteristics on the basis of the analysis and the comparison of click-wrap contract with some other relative contracts, such as E-contracts, shrink-wrap contracts and traditional standard contracts.
- 漫步花街祇園嚮導游「Gion Go Around」以及在寺院舉行的夜間茶會「高台寺夜茶」等冬季特別活動豐富多彩。Various events showcasing winter including "Gion Go Around", a guided tour of the entertainment area of Gion, and the "Kodai-ji temple's Yobanashi", a tea ceremony on winter nights.
- 證明了這是一個NP-hard問題,給出了一個時間複雜度為O(nlogn+m)的脫線近似演算法LPT-Wrap,其近似比小於等於1.40825,並分析了P|ptmn(d)|Cmax的在線特性,給出一個線性時間複雜度的在線近似演算法,其競爭比為2.It is proved that P|ptmn(d)|Cmax is an NP-hard problem. An off-line approximation algorithm LPT-Wrap with time complexity of O(nlogn+m) and a performance ratio no more than 1.408 25 is presented. The on-line property of P|ptmn(d)|Cmax is also studied and an on-line algorithm with linearity time complexity and a competitive ratio of 2 is proposed.