- Lovely Niss,died from mistaken wound by Roca. 可愛的妮絲,為了救自己的哥哥弗雷德,被羅卡誤傷而死。
- We were winded by the steep climb. 我們爬那個陡坡累得上氣不接下氣。
- To work against the wind by a zigzag course;tack. 搶風調向按一條之字形線路頂風前進;搶風調向
- Careless steering brought the wind by the lee. 不經心的駕駛使風吹到帆的下風面來了。
- I am credibly informed that..., ie I have been told by sb who can be believed. 我從可靠的方面獲悉....
- We were given a guided tour(= by sb who knows about the place)of the palace. 我們由導遊帶領參觀遊覽了那座宮殿。
- You can raise the wind by selling your stamp collection. 你把你收集的郵票賣掉就可以籌到錢。
- You could raise the wind by selling your stampcollection. 你把你收集的郵票賣掉就可以籌到錢。
- You could raise the wind by selling your stamp collection. 你把你收集的郵票賣掉就可以籌到錢。
- Are there any tickets going spare(= are there any available, not being used by sb else)? 有多餘的票嗎?
- I am reliably informed(= told by sb who knows the facts)that the company is being sold. 有知情人士告訴我公司要被賣掉。
- Kaka insists on licking the wound by himself, the hair finally look so weird... 另外發現家家有其他傷勢。頸下面,甩曬毛。
- A general meeting of MA will be held at least once every semester, called and conducted by SB. 家長大會每學期召開一次,由理事會召集。
- I've often been disappointed in love,ie not been loved in return by sb I have loved. 我經常情場失意。
- The fat man was winded by walking up the hill. 那個胖子上山氣喘喘。
- Love in you heart don't disappear too.If you pay more attention to you live,you would find youself loved by sb. 愛也不會在你心中消失,如果更真誠坦蕩地面對生活,你定會找到那個愛你的人。
- Piao Dacheng ever was discussion community of DAUM of Korea portal website " network a favourite by sb in power " one of. 朴大成曾是韓國門戶網站DAUM討論社區「網路紅人」之一。
- The ground stone wound by bonds was fond of the bond of diamonds and was corresponding to a bound fund beyond. 被債券纏身的磨石對鑽石邊子有興趣,還和遠處的約束基金有通信。
- He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach. 他的肚子上挨了一擊,一時喘不過氣來。
- He was winded by the time he reached the sixth floor. 他爬到6樓時已上氣不接下氣了。