- My mother wouldn' t let me go to the film. 我媽媽不會讓我去看電影的。
- I wouldn' t run the risk of being late for work. 我不會冒遲到的危險的。
- He' s a dodgy bloke I wouldn' t trust him an inch. 他是個詭計多端的傢伙--我一點都不相信他.
- I wouldn' t sully my hands by acceptinga bribe. 我決不接受賄賂; 一塵不染.
- I wouldn' t touch it with a barge pole. 我很討厭它。
- Andi: If they did,it wouldn"t be here. 安迪:如果有,「星期五」就不會在這裡了。
- That is stange for a bird, wouldn』t you say? 你一定會說:這種鳥可真奇怪!
- I wouldn』t trust her. She』s a real airhead. 我不會信任她的,她這人沒頭腦。
- I wish you wouldn' t mumble I can' t hear you clearly. 我希望你說話不要含含糊糊 - 我聽不清你在講什麼。
- I wouldn' t gladly go through that unpleasant experience again. 我再也不願領教那種令人不快的經歷.
- I wouldn' t have believed it possible, if I hadn' t seen it happen. 要不是親眼目睹; 我決不會相信能有這種事.
- I wouldn' t lower myself to speak to such a rude person. 我不願降低自己的身份去跟這樣一種粗魯的人講話。
- He wouldn' t accept that smoking was detrimental to health. 他不相信吸煙有害健康。
- I wouldn' t dignify this trash by calling it a novel. 這部劣等作品我是不會美稱為小說的.
- Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn' t give us a tea break. 我們的領班故意刁難不給我們工間休息時間。
- Ah wouldn' lib in dat place for nuthin'. 我才不住在這個地方哩。
- I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn t turn over. 我一到學校就馬上打電話給汽車協會,讓他們在我下課後開輛拖車過來。
- Belle: If youd hold still, it wouldn hurt as much! 如果你不動就不會那麼疼了!
- If it were not for you, I wouldn』tdo this. 要不是這了你,我才不會做這件事呢。