- worries for one' s country 國愁
- I've done my share of worrying for one day! 就這一天而論,我操夠了心!
- He was exiled from the country for one year. 他被放逐一年。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這裡教一年書。
- The thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被監禁一年。
- We will lease you the house for one year. 我們將把這房子租給你一年。
- Compulsive drinking is bad for one' s health. 不加節制的飲酒有害健康。
- Our school 's only famous for one thing: rugby. 我們學校只有橄欖球出名
- For one week the price will be500 dollar. 住一星期租金是500美元。
- These tickets are available for one month only. 這些票的有效期只有一個月。
- He gave up all worries for the duration of the holiday. 他在整個假期內什麼都不操心。
- For one reason or another, she committed suicide. 不知什麼原因,她自殺了。
- For one thing they keep the water clean. 一方面,他們可以保持水的清潔。
- Timon: It means no worries for the rest of your days! 丁滿:意思是讓你的餘生不再煩惱!
- The screen was all dark save for one bright spot. 除一個光點外屏幕上一片黑暗。
- The ticket is valid for one month. 這票子一個月內有效。
- He can't do without cigarettes for one day. 他一天煙也戒不掉。
- I'll swap you three of mine for one of yours. 我以我的三個換你一個。
- An accommodation for one person, as in a hotel. 單人房間供一個人起居的住處,比如在旅館
- He was absent from the meeting for one reason or another. 他為某種理由而沒有出席會議。