- She worried over her father's health. 她為父親的健康擔憂。
- Don't be unduly worried about the exam. 不要過分擔心考試的事。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半個晚上都一直在擔心,故而時醒時睡。
- Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced. 沒有人表示過一點點的關心。
- You have no idea how worried I was. 你想像不出來我有多麼擔心。
- As far as I'm concerned, the beige one is better. 就我而言,米色的那個更好。
- I'm worried sick by his illness. 他的病讓我急死了。
- More than one person has been concerned in this. 不止一個人與這件事有牽連。
- How much money I earn is none of your concern. 我掙多少錢與你無關。
- Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. 特德。魯濱遜整整一周來被弄得焦躁不安。
- His concern for the poor is only a pose. 他對窮人的關心只不過是做做樣子罷了。
- I'm worried sick about my son's safety. 我十分擔心我兒子的安全。
- Concerned parents held a meeting. 憂心忡忡的家長們開了一次會。
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子彈受到普遍的關注。
- I'm a wee bit worried about him. 我對他有些擔心。
- The mother is worried about her son's safety. 這位母親擔心她兒子的安全。
- He is full of concern about his sick mother. 他非常挂念他有病的母親。
- We are all concerned about his health. 我們都非常關心他的健康。
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 對生態的關心是最近才有的事。
- He was deeply concerned at the news. 他對這個消息深感關心。