Sometimes, you might need a little more space to devote to your work area. 有時您可能需要將更多的空間作為工作區。
Corridor the kitchen wants to be working area arrangement on both sides parallel. 走廊型的廚房要將工作區安排在兩邊平行線上。
Kaufman, 53, has a home office but finds herself working in all rooms of her house. 五十三歲的考夫曼在家裡有間辦公室,不過她發現自己的工作場所遍及家中各個房間。
Conduct safety audits and on-site inspections to identify workplace hazards and unsafe equipment, working practices, or working conditions. 進行安全審核和現場檢查,以確定工作場所的危險和不安全的設備,工作方法,或工作條件。