- By the work one knows the workman. 什麼樣的工匠出什麼樣的活。
- Charles Darwin could only work one hour a day due to ill health. 達爾文一生多病,不能多做工,每天只能做一點鐘的工作。
- Too much neglect will do that, skew the sap』s passage, blacken leaves, dry the bark and heart. 此乃疏忽太久的惡果,樹汁受阻,樹葉變黑,樹皮和樹心乾枯。
- In principle, volunteers should work one shift no more than 8 hours each day. 賽會志願者原則上每天工作一個班次,一個班次不超過8小時。
- Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. Watt決定要查出一匹強壯的馬一分鐘內能做多少功。
- She is very afriad of snake,so she cann't work one step for the gass. 她生怕被蛇咬著,而不敢在草叢中再走一步。
- After anti - American boycott broke out in China in late 1905, American Asiatic Association, lobbied futilely for the Foster Bill' s passage in Congress. 當1905年下半年中國的抵制美貨運動走向高潮之際,美亞協會又把工作重點轉向國會,積極爭取福斯特議案的通過。
- An industrial unit of production equal to the work one person can produce in a day. 工作日一種工業產量計量單位,相當於一個人一天可完成的工作量
- Thousands of protesters angry at China\'s human rights record, its harsh rule in Tibet and its friendly ties with Sudan scuffled with police and attempted to block the torch\'s passage. 數千名抗議者因不滿於中國的人權政策,對西藏的野蠻政策和中國與處於警察混戰中的蘇丹的良好關係,試圖組織火炬的傳遞。
- An industrial unit of production equal to the work one person can produce in an hour. 工時一種計算工業產量的計量單位,相當於一個人在一個小時內可以產出的工作量
- Not only the army but also the civilian units should work one out. The State Council should see to this. 不僅軍隊要有,地方也要有,國務院也要辦這件事。
- How OK adjustment the overworked mood after working one day. 怎麼樣可以調節工作一天後的勞累心情。
- As such, one may work one's way off the wheel of death, rebirth and reincarnation. 當一個人融合入這個創造者的音調時,他便開始進入基於統一的領導階層。
- Walking to work one morning last fall, I happened to notice an odd gray contraption fastened to a streetlight on Madison Avenue. 2000年秋天的一個早上,我出門上班,在麥迪遜大街上無意中注意到,街燈桿上掛了個奇怪的灰色玩意兒。
- For hogging purpose two 100% vacuum ejectors (one work one standby with Hogging Ejector) are provided. 基於建立真空的目的,我們提供兩台100%25兩級射汽抽氣器(帶啟動抽氣器)。
- Geisler responded so well to cancer treatments that he went back to work one month earlier than expected. 他對抗癌治療的反應非常好,所以比期望的要早一個月恢復工作。
- The market town"s passages in different historical period interweave and superpose, then form the extant textures. 不同歷史時期場鎮片段的交織疊加形成了現存的肌理特徵,它記載了場鎮的興衰歷程。
- Please keep thinking and reasoning, you will lose your strenth to resist the Holy Spirit's work one day and become one of us. 人家都是要我們放下理性,用感情來擁抱神的愛,你怎麼跟我們牧師教的不一樣呢?
- If work one year,resign that is to say, want to hand in 6 monthly wages, do abdication two years to hand in 3 monthly wages. 也就是說假如干一年辭職,要交六個月工資,干兩年辭職交三個月工資。」
- Programmed tutoring involves a human tutor working one on one with a learner . 程序指導法需要一個指導教師和一個學習者一對一的實現。