- Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise. 他難得稱讚你一句。
- Her word of praise is a stimulus to work harder. 她讚揚的話鼓舞人工作更努力。
- I have a word of praise for him. 我要說一句誇獎他的話。
- A few words of praise from her would have completed his happiness. 她要是能誇他兩句,他也就心滿意足了。
- Her words of praise were a stimulus for people to work harder. 她讚揚的話鼓舞人們工作更努力。
- The lady is always feeling after words of praise. 那位女士總在謀求讚美聲。
- Words of praise do not often fall from his lips. 他難得說句讚揚話。
- The singer is always feeling after words of praise. 這位歌唱家一味追求讚譽之辭。
- Her words of praise were a stimulus to work harder. 她讚揚的話鼓舞人工作更努力.
- A word of praise will keep one warm for three winters. 好話一句三東暖。
- Don't become complacent when you hear a few words of praise. 不要聽了一些好話就沾沾自喜。
- They lend an ear,they share a word of praise,and they always want to open their hearts to us. 他們傾聽你,他們讚賞你,而且他們總願向我們敞開心扉。
- Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on thier feet. 互相鼓勵吧。一句讚揚、一聲感謝、由衷的讚賞或叫好,往往會使別人從此站立起來。
- A few words of praise from her will have completed his happiness. 她要是能誇他兩句,他也就心滿意足了。
- Encourage one another.Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet. 互相鼓勵吧;一句讚揚;一聲感謝;由衷的讚賞或是叫好;往往會使別人從此站立起來.
- Don't be carried away when you hear a few words of praise. 不要被好聽的話捧得騰雲駕霧,忘乎所以。
- Children like words of praise but not harsh words of scolding. 小孩子尤其喜歡聽好話,而不喜歡聽惡言。
- They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. 他們傾聽你,他們讚賞你,而且他們總願向我們敞開心扉。
- The whole article is filled with undeserved words of praise. 這篇文章通篇都是溢美之詞。
- His behavior is worthy of praise. 他的行為值得稱道。