- Pray that Zeng Qinghua, head of the Sichuan Women s Federation, would become an ambassador of Christ and bring blessing to Sichuan s spiritually needy women. 為四川婦聯主席曾清華禱告,願她成為基督的使者並為四川靈性饑渴的婦女帶來祝福。
- VSE』s Federal Group Communications &Engineering Division and Field Support Services Division will carry out the assignment, company officials said. VSE公司是一家向聯邦政府提供工程和諮詢服務、系統集成、基礎設施支持以及信息技術管理服務的公司。
- The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and AIG's federal takeover have triggered a wholesale flight to safety that could turn illiquid institutions insolvent. 雷曼的破產和AIG被政府接管迫使資金都流入安全港避難,從而使得那些流動性匱乏的機構瀕臨倒閉。
- Long stretches in his prisons’ law libraries left him more familiar with the Byzantine rules of America’s federal prison system than most wardens. 由於長期待在監獄圖書館,他比大多數罪犯們都懂美國政府監獄系統的拜占庭式的法規。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年齡在十八歲以上的男女有投票表決權。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 許多英勇的男男女女為捍衛自由而犧牲。
- Women's International Tennis Federation. 國際女子網球聯合會。
- Women s Federation s cadres 婦聯工作
- Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away. 無數洗衣者的搓洗將那塊石頭磨掉了。
- He has a fixation on older women. 他對於年長的女人有病態的依戀。
- I don't like to see women making up in public. 我不喜歡看見女人在公開場合化妝打扮。
- More women are going out to work than ever before. 現在比過去有更多的婦女到社會上去工作。
- Quite a few of our sale staff are women. 我們相當多的銷售人員是婦女。
- Women' s Federation 婦聯
- Many women chose to be a housewife after marriage. 許多婦女選擇了在婚後當家庭主婦。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他們對待婦女的方式惡劣得難以言表。
- Women and children were butchered by the rebels. 婦女和兒童遭到叛亂者的屠殺。
- Women' s Federation cadre 婦聯幹部
- It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public. 婦女在大眾面前抽煙並非不常見。
- Women's underclothes are a common fetish. 女人的內衣褲是常見的能引起性快感的戀物。