- Around them are something withered and yellow. 花瓣邊緣有枯黃.
- Autumn came in silently, with her ice-temperament, some bleak, some withered and yellow, as well as bright and clear look. 秋天悄無聲息的來了,帶著她冷艷的氣質,某種蕭瑟,某種枯黃,以及明亮和清澈的神情。
- Once sulfide appears in the environment, the fleck can appear on its lamina, withered and yellow even fall off, this is the warning that issues to people. 一旦環境中出現硫化物,它的葉片上就會出現斑紋,甚至枯黃脫落,這便是向人們發出的警報。
- Put wintersweet in the home, once sulfide appears in the environment, the streak can give on its lamina, withered and yellow even fall off, issue warning to people. 將梅花擺放在家中,一旦環境中出現硫化物,它的葉片上就會出斑紋,甚至枯黃脫落,向人們發出警報。
- Wandering withered and yellow fallen leaf that among wind, in flicker around musical sound one one, so silent, will disappear once passing by a season only like like the footprint of the musical sound , and without a trace. 飄零在風中的那枯黃的落葉,一片一片的在韻的四周掠過,如此的無聲無息,彷彿就象韻的足跡,只一個季節走過便會消失,而無影無蹤。
- When spring in March comes, warm braw is petting gently.A hundred flower bloom and flowers are competing in splendor.But as if we couldn't see any vitality from the withered and yellow grapevine. 陽春三月,暖風輕撫,當百花綻放、競香爭艷時,那縱橫交錯、枯黃蕭瑟的葡萄藤,卻看不到一絲生機。
- Reason: The hair falls in long-term insolate, can cause moisture to be not worth, the hair is too long cannot get enough nutrition, also can let its look withered and yellow and dry. 原因:頭髮在長期曝晒下,會引起水分不足,頭髮太長得不到充足的營養,也會讓其看起來枯黃乾澀。
- Some withered and yellow ice grass stood upright on the each side of the canal dam, and was absolutely still, some horrified lizards run about in the hassock due to our carriage passing. 渠壩兩旁挺立著枯黃的冰草,紋絲不動,有幾隻被大車驚起的蜥蜴在草叢中簌簌地亂爬。
- Far the body of a few withered pines is punch-drunk in darkness, careless already withered and yellow, writtening guarantee above a Bai Shuang, in rustling autumn wind not dwelling place shakily. 遠處幾棵枯松的形體在黑暗中模糊不清,草兒早已枯黃,上面結著一層白霜,在瑟瑟的秋風中不住地顫抖著。
- Red and yellow grade into orange. 紅與黃混合成橘黃。
- Trees are withered and bare in late autumn. 深秋,樹木凋零了。
- In autumn the leaves wither and fall off the trees. 秋天,樹葉枯萎並從樹上落下來。
- An oriole is a bird which has black and yellow feathers. 金鶯長著黑黃的羽毛。
- She would wither and flicker out like a candle. 她會象燭光似的越來越黯淡和微弱。
- The grass is withered and the trees are bare. 草木零落。
- Green results from blending blue and yellow. 綠色是由藍色和黃色摻和而成。
- The overblown roses are to wither and fall. 這些盛期已過的玫瑰即將凋謝。
- The grocery was laced with red and yellow. 食品雜貨店被刷成紅黃相間的顏色。
- If you mix red and yellow, you get orange. 把紅色和黃色混在一起就是橙色。
- A visual defect characterized by the inability to discern blue and yellow. 藍色盲,第三原色盲具有不能區分黃色和藍色的視覺缺陷