- With support from friends and relatives, I continually chanted for TM and read him Rinpoche's message. 在朋友與親戚的支持下,我們持續地為tm唱誦,且為他念誦仁波切的訊息。
- Young activists lead the campaign with support from the U.N. Population Fund and other organizations. 青年活動者引導運動,支持與聯國人口基金和其他組織。
- It was developed by SUPCON over a period of 10 years with support from Zhejiang University and local partner companies. 中控在浙江大學以及本地企業夥伴的支持下,已發展這項技術超過十年的時間。
- After 1988, with support from Windows 98 and more USB devices, USB interface was coming into practicality step by step. 1998年後,隨著微軟在Windows 98中內置了對USB介面的支持模塊,以及USB設備的日漸增多,USB介面逐步走進了實用階段。
- Candau, D. et al.. Intel? Teach to the Future with support from Microsoft, ?Intel Corporation,2000. 英特爾未來教育(中文5.;0版),上海市教委英特爾?未來教育項目專家組,2001年8月。
- The ABCA, with support from other working Border Collie groups and owners, funded Dr Gregory Acland from the James A. 美國邊境牧羊犬協會(ABCA),得到來自其他為邊境牧羊犬工作的團體和犬主的支持,進行了投資,由來自科內爾大學動物健康協會JamesA.
- The Taliban has regrouped with support from al-Qaida, which operates from safe refuge along the border with Pakistan. 在巴基斯坦邊界的避難所撤出的基地組織的支持下,塔利班重組。
- Thus, with support from several sources, Celia and Andrew were once more able to take pleasure in their seperate careers. 這樣,有了多方支持,西莉亞和安德魯又可以享受從事各自事業所獲得的樂趣了。
- Thus, with support from several sources, Celia and Andrew were once more able to take pleasure in their separate careers. 這樣,有了多方支持,西莉亞和安德魯又可以享受從事各自事業所獲得的樂趣了。
- Activities: Working together with VSO, education partners, teachers colleges and Mangrove on WAD, with support from UNICEF and UNESCO. 活動:與VSO、教育夥伴、師範學校、紅樹林合作在艾滋病日開展活動,並從聯合國兒童基金會與聯合國教科文組織得到幫助。
- The study was undertaken with support from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and the Garvan's Diabetes Vaccine Development Centre. 若試驗成功;將可能制出一種疫苗;用於對有糖尿病家族史的人進行接種.
- These activities have been possible only with support from WIPO at the very highest level and the contribution of governmental bodies as well as civil societies. 只有在WIPO的鼎力支持下和政府機構以及民間社會的貢獻下,這些活動才可能開展。
- The first phase of the study began with National Institutes of Health funding and it is continuing with support from the Hawaii Community Foundation, Issell said. Issell說研究的第一階段以國家衛生研究院開始和它繼續從夏威夷州社區基金會支持資助。
- And Hezbollah terrorists, with support from Syria and Iran, sowed conflict in the region and are seeking to undermine Lebanon's legitimately elected government. 在敘利亞和伊朗的支持下,真主黨恐怖分子在該地區醞釀了衝突,試圖削弱黎巴嫩合法選舉的政府的地位。
- The PARAMICS-MP (Message Passing) project was spawned, as a collaborative venture between SIAS Ltd and EPCC, with support from the UK Department of Trade and Industry. 該項目由SIAS公司和EPCC共同完成,並得到了英國工業和貿易部資助。
- On the other hand, Charlie Zhang's business booms with support from the Japanese and he scoffs at Tianbao and Jincheng when they approach him for a business collaboration. 戰後百業蕭條,黃元撒手不理,金成和天寶父子又是無能之輩,不知從何下手。查理張靠著日本人的勢力,壟斷所有生意。天寶拉了金成上門拜會,沒想到卻吃了閉門羹。
- Bottled-up grievances over corruption and poor governance could set off open unrest with support from an urban middle class no longer so enamoured of the status quo. 得到不再滿足現狀的城市中產階級的支持,人民對腐敗現象和管理水平欠缺所壓抑的不滿將會被轟然釋放,引發公開的社會動蕩。
- "Library City" establishment needs all levels of fully support from city government at policy making, executions, and financial resources.City of Shenzhen is a very good role model for us. 「圖書館之城」的建設需要城市各級政府在政策制定、方案實施、經費投入等方面給予充分的支持,深圳市為我們起了很好的示範作用。
- Comparing with young men from cities, these rural kids can stand for tough drills better. 比起城裡的孩子,來自農村的士兵更能承受艱苦的訓練。
- Canada 's team in securing the contract included Rubinstein, Harry Hudson and Tito Ghio, with support from the Power Generation business unit. 確保本次合同順利實施的加拿大小組成員包括。