- Puck puts the liquid on the men』s eyes, and they both end up falling in love with one of the women. 帕克將魔液點在兩個男子的眼睛上,結果他們倆都同時愛上了其中一個女孩。
- Sit outside and facing the sun. With the eyes closed to prevent sun damage, look directly into the sun while shielding the sun with one's eyelids. Do not wear sunglasses. 坐在戶外,面對太陽。閉上眼睛以避免陽光灼傷,透過眼皮的保護,直接看向太陽。不要戴太陽鏡。
- One way to experience parallax is to hold out your hand, and with one eye closed, place your finger over an object you see in the distance. 體驗視差的方法之一就是伸出一隻手,閉上一隻眼睛,把手指放在您看到遠處的物體之上。
- The man' s eyes closed,and I saw tears hover beneath his lashes. His aged hands full of grime, and pain, and hard labor -- gently, so gently, cradled my baby's bottom and stroked his back. I stood awestruck. 老人的雙目緊閉著,淚珠在睫毛上晃動。他一隻手非常輕柔地摟著孩子的屁股,另一隻手輕輕地拍著他的背。他蒼老的手滿是塵垢,飽經痛苦,歷盡磨難。我站在那兒目瞪口呆。
- You hide among the bushes with one eye open and one eye closed, looking shyly at the changeable world in spite of the months and years passing through your brown back. 樹叢中的你睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,怯怯地望著這變幻莫測的世界,任憑歲月爬滿你褐色的脊背上。
- He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors,but barely retains enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it. 他睜著一隻眼,閉著一隻眼,看穿了他周遭所發生的事情和他自己的努力的徒然,可是還保留著充分的現實感去走完人生的道路。
- It lay there with its eyes closed, dead as a doornail. 它躺在那裡眼睛閉著,確實死了。
- sit in repose with one's eyes closed 閉目養神
- The boy' s eyes rounded with excitement. 男孩興奮得眼睛睜得圓圓的。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在氣頭上的人爭論。
- The child' s eyes rounded with excitement. 孩子因興奮眼睛睜得圓圓的。
- I think I can do with one more piece. 我想我還能再吃一塊。
- The rich widow cries with one eye and rejoices with the other. 有錢的寡婦一隻眼睛在哭,一隻眼睛在笑。
- He came running here with one hand holding a knife. 他手上握著刀向這裡跑來。
- He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors, but barely retains enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it. 他睜著一隻眼,閉著一隻眼,看穿了他周遭所發生的事情和他自己的努力的徒然,可是還保留著充分的現實感去走完人生的道路。
- He knocked him down with one blow of his fist. 他揮拳一擊把他打倒在地。
- What can you see with eyes closed? 眼睛閉上你能看見什麼?
- The top branches of the two trees interlace with one another. 這兩棵樹的樹頂樹枝相互交織在一起。
- He lay still on the grass, with his eyes closed. 他一動不動地躺在草地上,眼睛閉著。
- He eloped with one of his students. 他和他的學生私奔了。