- He tied up the packages well with heavy cord. 他用粗繩子把那幾包東西結實地捆好。
- The New Year came in with heavy snow storms. 在大雪紛飛中新年來到了。
- She applied heavy makeup to her face. 她在臉上濃妝艷抹。
- The enemy was driven back with heavy losses. 敵軍遭到重大損失,被迫撤退。
- We tied up both package well with heavy cord. 我們用粗繩把所有包裹捆紮妥當。
- If you don't behave I'll come down on you with heavy hand. 如果你不老實話,我定會對你不客氣。
- All the bombing attacks were fought off with heavy loss. 所有轟炸都被擊退,但損失很大。
- She wore heavy makeup to mask the dark circles under her eyes. 她化濃妝以掩飾她的黑眼圈。
- That's really lovely, that is!' he said with heavy irony. `那真是可愛極了,真的!'他故意說反話。
- The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes. 政府使國民負擔重稅。
- The local government there burdened the people with heavy taxes and debts. 那兒的地方政府使人民負擔沉重的捐稅和債務。
- The sky was overcast with heavy clouds. 天空濃雲密布。
- They were burdened with heavy taxation. 他們負擔重稅。
- They deafened the room with heavy curtains. 他們用很厚的窗帘使房間隔音。
- The door and windows were bedashed with heavy rain. 門窗受到大雨拍擊。
- I absolutely love this product.It's gentle, but even removes heavy makeup and mascara and washes away without any residue. 這個產品我目前在用,很溫和的洗面奶,只要用很少的量就能夠出不少泡泡,洗得很乾凈,洗后不會有乾燥緊繃的感覺。
- Some parents complain that their children are burden with heavy homework. 有些家長抱怨他們的孩子的家庭作業繁重。
- Vlvien purposely made herself look older and unflattering for the film using heavy makeup,wige and drastic lighting which would hide her still beautiful features. 在電影中費雯麗為了真實,有意使自己顯得衰老些。使用濃妝、假髮和強烈的燈光來掩蓋她仍然美麗的容貌。
- The family was encumbered with heavy debts. 這個家庭為沉重的債務所累。
- They attended the funeral with heavy hearts. 他們心情沉重地參加了這場葬禮。