- Do the actors fight with guns in military plays? 在武戲中演員們用槍打嗎?
- They issued the soldiers with guns. 他們把槍發給士兵。
- They equipped the fort with guns,powder,and food. 他們為這一要塞配備有大炮,火藥和糧食。
- To cruch the sham of life with gun. 用槍支粉碎生活生活中的虛偽
- In the old days they fairly hunted us with guns. 從前他們簡直是用槍杆子追捕我們的啊!
- Why the Americans Are Fascinated with Guns? 美國人為什麼喜歡槍支?
- The enemy castle bristled with guns. (喻)敵人城堡上布滿了槍炮。
- They equipped the fort with guns, powder, and food. 他們為這一要塞配備有大炮,火藥和糧食。
- The killer came after her with gun. 殺手拿著槍跟在她後面。
- The Nazis worked them over with gun butts. 納粹分子用槍托毒打他們。
- To crush the sham of life with gun. 用"系統自動屏蔽"粉碎生活中的虛偽。
- It is not enough to condemn aggression: they must take steps to arm themselves against invasion with guns, bombs, etc. 光是譴責這種侵略罪行是不夠的; 他們必須採取行動,用槍支彈藥將自己武裝起來,抵抗侵略。
- The soldiers were fitted out with guns and clothing. 戰士們都有了槍支和衣服。
- To defeat the enemy we must rely primarily on the army with guns. 我們要戰勝敵人,首先要依靠手裡拿槍的軍隊。
- Don't play with guns or you may push up the daisies. 不要玩槍,留神打死自己。
- Outside the entrance stood two police officers with guns. 在門口的外邊站著兩個帶槍的警察。
- What would you do or say if you are face to face with guns? 如果有人用槍對著你,你會怎麼辦?或者會說什麼?
- There were more copycats last night, Alfred, with guns. 昨晚山寨版的又多了,阿爾弗雷德,還帶槍。
- And the shoot is for men only, you see no women with guns. 射擊是男人的專項,你從未見過女人帶槍吧。
- Two guards with guns stood behind him and two more guards stood near the door. 兩個持槍的衛兵站在他身後,還有兩個站在門邊。