- It has been known for a long time that the earth moves around the run. 長時間以來,人們就知道地球是繞著太陽轉的。
- I don't know him well though I've known him for a long time. 我對他並不了解,雖然我認識他已經很長時間了。
- They've been dating for a long time. 他們一直頻頻約會。
- Have you known Sandy for a long time? 你已經認識桑迪很長時間了嗎?
- I haven't set eyes on her for a long time. 從那以後,我再也沒見過她。
- He had known for the scheme for a long time,but only opted in at the last minute. 這項計劃他早已知道了,但直到最後才決定加入。
- For a long time his fate hung in the balance. 他的命運很久未能確定。
- Chemists had known for a long time that pure carbon normally came in two common molecules forms: graphite and diamond. 長期以來,化學家都知道碳以兩種常見的形態存在:石墨及金剛石。
- She has been ailing for a long time. 她已病了好久了。
- Some elements, which have been known for a long time, have symbols based on their Latin names! 有些很早就為大家所知的元素,其符號來自它的拉丁文!
- I've known for a long time that you were proud and headstrong, but I thought time would change you. 很久以來我就知道你驕傲自負,剛愎自用,不過我以為時間會使你改變。
- It has been known for a long time that there is a first relationship between the heart and the liver. 長期以來,大家知道心臟與肝臟的關係是最主要的。
- It has been known for a long time that there is a strong relationship between the heart and the liver. 長期以來,大家知道心臟與肝臟的關係緊密。
- I have known him for a long time. 我認識他很久了。
- It may describe a person who has been known for a long time but is not necessarily old in years. 也可用以指早已認識的人, 但不一定年老。
- Hello, Carol. How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time. 嗨,卡羅爾,你好嗎?好久不見了。
- He had known for the scheme for a long time, but only opted in at the last minute. 這項計劃他早已知道了,但直到最後1分鐘才決定加入。
- This has been known for a long time, from radiocarbon dating from charcoal by paleontologists," he says. 這個經古生物學家採用放射性碳定年法測定后的結論早就被眾人所知了。」
- They have known for a long time, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest party of our religion I have lived as a Pharisee. 他們若肯作見證就曉得,我從起初是按著我們教中最嚴緊的教門作了法利賽人。
- I have had no news from him for a long time. 我好久不知道他的消息了。