- W is a zero mean white noise source. W是一個零均值的白雜訊源。
- Structure of very low noise level. 低噪音結構。
- Noise level shall comply with the EU guidelines. 噪音級別應符合歐盟的指導方針。
- White noise is a good masking agent. 白雜訊是一種很好的掩蔽聲。
- The noise level of air supply unit should be marked on the drawing. 機組要有雜訊要求。
- All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods. 我只能聽到冰箱和排風機發出的白雜訊。
- Airflow system maximizes air volume at minimum noise level. 空氣動力系統使加熱器在最大出風量時將噪音降到最低。
- Randomness in this case is modelled as a Gaussian white noise process. 模式中之隨機性乃視為一高斯白噪音過程。
- The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels. 城市生活的質量已被過度的噪音所破壞。
- White noise on a radio receiver would interfere with all radio stations. 白噪音在無線電接收器將會幹擾所有廣播電台。
- Latest generation speed reducing gear pair (high efficiency, low noise level). 最新一代減速齒輪對(高效,低噪音)
- Noise that affects all transmission frequencies equally is called white noise. 雜訊同等地影響所有傳輸頻率稱為白噪音。
- Noise level is higher, everyday concessional working hours is shorter. 雜訊級越高,天天容許工作時間越短。
- Regulation on noise levels on board sea-going ship. 海洋船舶雜訊級規定。
- The ultimate noise levels are the same. 最終的噪音水平是一樣的。
- The paper mainly describes the application of the random signal to the simulation of road roughness,the arithmetics of AR and the pseudo white noise are used to simulate the C level road roughness respectively. 重點研究了隨機信號在路面不平度模擬中的應用,分別使用AR法和偽白雜訊法在空間域下對C級路面進行模擬。
- Self talk can also serve as " white noise," taking your mind off distracting stimuli7. 自言自語能起『白噪音』的作用,使你不受外部影響分散注意。
- It is forbidden to manufacture,sell or import automobiles that emit noise beyond the limits set on noise level. 禁止製造、銷售或者進口超過規定的雜訊限值的汽車。
- If you do not have time to socialize during the flight, invest in a good pair of headphones that have「 white noise. 如果你沒有時間在飛機上進行一些交際活動,那就準備一份不錯的有「白噪音」的耳機。
- The distance between the acoustic-emission source and the receiving transducer, and the background noise level are primary factors in selecting a particular frequency band. 聲發射源與接收訊號感測器間的距離以及環境雜訊的電平是選擇頻帶的主要依據。