- Then I head ed for the barn to get a hoe. 我對妻子說了一聲后就跑向牲口棚去拿鋤頭。
- "Do not unusual, the juvenile white head, mournful air. 「莫等閑,白了少年頭,空悲切」。
- The adult has white head, breast underwing coverts and tail. 白腹海雕亦會吃腐肉,也會在飛行時攻擊其他有獵物在手的鳥類,逼牠們鬆開爪子來,再把獵物搶去。
- The rarest combination is the white-bodied dog with a white head as well. 最為少見的組合就是白頭加白身。
- With his white head and his loneliness he remained young and green at heart. 他雖然滿頭白髮,孤單寂寞,但內心裡卻依然年青而充滿生機。
- The bald eagle is a large, powerful, brown bird with a white head and tail. 白頭鷹的體形很大,動作有力,羽毛呈灰色,腦袋和尾巴呈白色。
- Suddenly there was a noise in the thick bushes behind them,and a big black and white head looked out at them. 突然,他們身後濃密的灌木林發出一些聲響,一個大大的黑白腦袋探出來看著他們。
- Max rose and went to a small window; a pale bar of sunshine fell across his white head. 麥克斯站起來,走向一扇小窗;一縷蒼白的陽光照射在他白髮蒼蒼的腦袋上。
- You are correct , markings, as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant!! Structure and soundness is what is important. 你是對的,斑點,也就是全白頭或者頭上有黑色是不相關的。狗的結構和牢固性,才是最重要的!
- In the mid-winter period, a pale-mantled gull with an entirely white head really has to be Mongolian. 在冬季中期,我們可以判斷一隻背羽淡色而頭部全白的大鷗一定是蒙古銀鷗。
- A large American heron (Ardea herodias) having blue-gray plumage and a predominantly white head with a dark crest. 大藍鷺:一種大型的美洲鷺(大藍鷺),有藍灰色羽毛,頭部為顯眼的白色,有一黑色的冠
- Compared with and old man who starts his career with a white head, thank god, i'm still too yong! 和一個鬚髮皆白才開始自己的事業的老頭相比,感謝上帝,我還真是年輕。
- You are correct, markings, as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant!! Structure and soundness is what is important. 你是對的,斑點,也就是全白頭或者頭上有黑色是不相關的。狗的結構和牢固性,才是最重要的!
- His cold white head mingled with her radiant hair, which warmed and lighted it as though it were the light of freedom shining upon him. 他那一頭凄涼的白髮跟她那一頭閃光的金髮混到了一起,金髮溫暖了白髮,也照亮了它,彷彿是自由的光芒照射在他的身上。
- Markings, as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant! Structure and soundness is what is important! 斑點,也就是全白頭或者頭上有黑色是不相關的。狗的結構和牢固性,才是最重要的!
- Mongolian Gull: pale upperside, clear contrast between black primaries and pale blue-grey upperwing, strikingly white head, typically two quite large mirrors on P10 and P9. 蒙古銀鷗:淡色的上翼面;黑色初級飛羽和淡藍灰色上翼面間明顯的對比;顯著的白色頭部;典型地在P10及P9上有二個相當大的翼鏡.
- Fengcheng White Head Frost was 2.0mg and 46.7%,Jishui24 2.9mg and 59.6%, respectively, as compared to the susceptible check of 5.1mg and 100.0%. 鳳城白頭霜平均蟲體重為2.;0mg;矯正存活率為46
- Monsieur the Officer,' said Defarge, getting down, and taking him gravely apart, 'these are the papers of monsieur inside, with the white head. 「那就看這兒,軍官先生,」德伐日說,走下車把衛兵拉到一旁,「這是車裡那位白頭髮先生的證件。
- However, it has been proven unhealthy to breed for more white, especially an all white head, as it results in more cases of deafness and blindness. 相反的是,事實已經證明了,繁育有過多白色的古牧,對古牧是不健康的!尤其是全白頭!繁殖全白頭古牧,容易引起失明和耳聾。
- Successful only envy, the envy of time on, the illusion disappeared, only to come to the end "of juvenile white head, mournful air"! 只是羨慕成功者,時光就在羨慕中,幻想中消失了,到頭來只落得「白了少年頭,空悲切」!