- A deep, round hole worn in rock by loose stones whirling in strong rapids or waterfalls.
鍋穴,壺穴岩石上深深的圓洞,由於急流或瀑布的水渦帶動疏鬆的石塊旋轉而成 - My head is whirling with data.
我的大腦因數據充斥而一片混亂 - She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm.
她衝出屋子走進了狂卷著的暴風雪中。 - I couldn't sleep: my mind was still whirling from all I had seen and heard.
- whirling flywheel 端面擺動飛輪...
- whirling speed 臨界速度,共振迴轉速...
- whirling chamber 渦流室
- whirling test 旋轉試驗
- whirling table 用於雕塑或制陶瓷的轉...
- whirling action 旋轉動作
- whirling motion 渦動,旋動
- whirling stand 迴轉架
- whirling current 渦流,旋渦流...
- whirling arm 旋轉桿,旋轉臂...
- whirling sprinkler 旋轉式洒水器...
- whirling hygrometer 旋轉式濕度計,旋轉式...
- whirling thermometer 旋轉式溫度表...
- whirling disease 瘋狂病
- whirling runner 迴旋除渣器,旋滑除渣...
- wild and whirling words 魯莽言語(考慮欠周到...