- 不要把weather(天氣)這個詞和whether(是否)弄混淆。Don't confuse the word " weather" with " whether" .
- 注意在兩個供選擇的從句之間若用or字,則須重複whether一字.Note that when there are two alternative clauses separated by or,whether is repeated.
- 兩者之一,用於指出兩個可選事物的第一個的前面,連用的有either或者whetherused to indicate the first of two alternatives,with the force of either or whether
- 兩者之一用於指出兩個可選事物的第一個的前面,連用的有either或者whether。Used to indicate the first of two alternatives, with the force of either or whether.
- 華農大學生使用了更多語義上相近的詞,如:「if」和「whether」、「but」和「although,though,however」及「what」和「whatever」。SCAU students used more semantically similar words such as "if" and "whether","though" and "although","but" and "however",and "what" and "whatever".