- The governor will keynote the convention. 州長將發表施政方針的演說。
- If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up. 如果我開車時睡著了,就叫醒我。
- The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州長因沒能履行一項競選時的承諾而受新聞界抨擊。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的車輪子在汽車比賽中途脫掉了。
- The governor decreed a day of mourning. 地方長官發布哀悼一日的命令。
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父親是政府里的要人。
- The governor teed off on his opponent's speech. 州長猛烈抨擊對手的講話。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行車的後輪車胎沒氣了。
- A Moslem ruler, provincial governor, or judge. 穆斯林的統治者,地方長官,或法官
- A provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire. 貝伊奧托曼帝國的地方長官
- The keeper or governor of a castle. 城堡守護人一個城堡的守護者或管理者
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 誰也無法阻止歷史車輪的前進。
- This presented a nasty problem to the new governor. 這成了新州長的一個棘手的問題。
- I have the honor to present the governor. 我很榮幸能介紹我們的州長
- The car crashed when the wheel flew off. 車輪突然脫落,汽車接著失事。
- He had been Governor of a British Protectorate. 他做過英國保護領地的總督。
- The bolt sheared (off) and the wheel came off. 螺栓折了,輪子脫了出來。
- The governor has put a tax on cigarettes. 這個總督已經開始對香煙徵稅
- The letter purported to be from the governor. 據稱,該信來自州長。
- The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 這位民主黨人在選舉中意外地擊敗了州長。