- What makes you say that(= why do you think so)? 你為什麼這麼說?
- What makes you say that [think so]? 是什麼使得您那樣說[那樣想]?
- Candice:What made you say that? 怎會如此有感而發呢?
- What makes you say that ? 什麼讓你說出那種話?
- Mary: What makes you say that? 你為什麼那麼說?
- Fiona: Good lord! What makes you ask that? 菲奧納:天哪,您怎麼會那麼想?
- What makes you say so? 你怎麼這麼說呢?
- Of course not. What makes you think that? 當然沒有了,你怎麼這樣想啊?
- Good lord! What makes you ask that? 天哪,您怎麼會那麼想?
- I inferred from what you said that he would make a scholar. 我從你所說的事推測,他將成為一位學者。
- What makes you say so. 你為什麼這麼說呢?
- What did the poor man say that make you lam into him like that? 那個可憐的人說了些什麼使你這樣地責罵他?
- What makes you think that I might not be okay? 什麼讓你覺得我現在過得不好呢?
- What makes you so smug, swaggering like that? 你搖頭晃腦的,臭美什麼勁兒?
- How clever you are! What make you conclude at that? 你太聰明了!什麼使你做出這樣的結論?
- On what grounds do you say that is true? 你根據什麼說那是真的?
- On what ground do you say that it is true? 你根據什麼說它是真的?
- What made you do that? It was asking for trouble. 你這樣做幹嗎?這是自找麻煩。
- On what ground do you say that is true? 你根據什麼說它是真的?
- Pray what makes you so remarkable? 請問什麼使得你與眾不同呢?