- The libraries in large cities are well supplied with books on most subjects. 大城市的圖書館藏書豐富,備有大部份類目的書籍。
- We are well supplied with foods. 我們的食品供給充足。
- Miss Li is well supplied with money. Money is supplied to Miss Li. 有人給李女士提供錢。
- He kept me well supplied with cups of coffee while I wrote the report. 我寫報告時,他一直不停地給我一杯杯續咖啡。
- A good warm-up dilates your blood vessels, ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen. 充分的熱身運動可以使血管擴張,保證肌肉得到充足的氧氣供給。
- If the enemy is taking his ease, he can harass him;if well supplied with food, he can starve him out; if quietly encamped, he can force him to move. 故敵佚能勞之,飽能飢之,安能動之。
- The order of events this time reflected Riyadh's perception that the market was well supplied with oil, as seen in the increase in US crude stockpiles. 而這次事態發生的順序表明,沙特政府已感覺到,市場供應充足,這一點可以從美國原油儲備增加中看出。
- When the global financial storm began to gather a year ago, China appeared to be a nation that was well supplied with raincoats. 當上一年全球金融風暴開始初露端倪的時候,幾乎全世界都認為中國將不會在這場風暴中受到什麼損傷。
- The next thing I laid hold of was a brace of pistols, and as I already had a powder-horn and bullets, I felt myself well supplied with arms. 接著,我又拿了兩把手槍,加上我原有的一牛角筒火藥和子彈,我感到自己的武器裝備已經相當不錯了。
- Maximum quantity of water capable of being lost, as water vapor, by a continuous stretch of vegetation covering the whole ground and well supplied with water. 在水分供應充足條件下,水分從蓋滿整片土地的植物中以蒸氣形式流失的最高數量。
- Now that the Armada is well supplied with the precious black substance that your Tankers have amassed, Doomhammer feels it is time to make a gruesome example of Hillsbrad. 現在艦隊由你的油船收集的珍貴黑色物質很好的供給著;末日戰錘感到是給希爾斯布萊德的一個深刻教訓的時候了.
- It is of great clinical importance that Fucidin provides high concentrations not only in areas well supplied with blood, but also in relatively avascular tissue. 臨床上尤為重要的是,本品不但在血液供應豐富的組織中有高濃度,即使在血管分佈較少的組織中也同樣具有高濃度。
- Most towns are supplied with electricity. 大多數城鎮有電力供應。
- Newspapers continued to print stories o funnatural thefts; money had been taken and carried away, the thief invisible But the money in plain view. Marvel always seemed to be well supplied with funds. 報紙繼續報導了一些異常的盜竊事件:錢被偷走了,而小偷卻看不見,儘管錢可以看得清清楚楚。馬維爾則好像手頭總是有錢花。
- You may not know for years forever , but you will know instant something is right about the person ,the wild is well supplied with rud people spouting high moral positions about human being rights . 你可能不知道多年永遠,但你會知道即時的東西是正確的人,是野生供應噴流河人民高尚的立場對人的權利。
- Crosby St. was well supplied in l972. 它熱愛都市的垃圾,而1972年的羅斯比街到處充滿了垃圾,應有盡有。
- She kept them plentifully supplied with gossip. 她不斷向他們散播大量的流言蜚語。
- They were amply supplied with food. 他們有充足的食物供應。
- We were supplied with a uniform. 我們發了一套制服。
- Valves can be supplied with an interlock system. 可以為閥門配置一個聯動裝置系統。