- 他用同音詞'weak'和'week'說了句雙關語。He punned on the likeness of 'weak' and 'week'.
- weak可與tea相搭配.'Weak' and 'tea' collocate.
- 把書排列在書架上「weak」collocate books on a shelf
- 他的答辯軟弱無力。His defence was weak.
- 「weak」可與「tea」構成片語,而「feeble」則不可。「Weak」can be collocated with 「tea」, but 「feeble」 can not.
- 他用同音詞「weak」和「week」說了句雙關語。He punned on the likeness of"weak" and"week".
- 傑克改變他文章里那種軟弱無力的風格,採用了更大膽的語調。Jack changed the milk-and-water style of his articles and assumed a bolder tone.
- 被告人的辯護軟弱無力。The defense of the accused was rather weak.
- 上次患流行性感冒后使我至今軟弱無力。The last attack of influenza has left me rather groggy.
- 假使他們倆不出自己所料,but the flesh is weak,這個字不用說是含蓄渾成,最好沒有了。If they had done as he expected, then needless to say the word held a subtler implication, as in "But the flesh is weak," and couldn't have been better chosen.
- 握手時軟弱無力。Has limp, weak handshake.
- 時代不允許人軟弱無力,猶豫不定。The times did not permit of weakness or indecision.
- 他軟弱無力的嘗試失敗了。His dismal attempt failed.
- 各國學者普遍認為,與西方的較大規模企業相比,東亞企業普遍有著「弱組織,強網路」(weak organization &strong linkages)的特點。Compared with the large-scale enterprises of West countries, academicians from all over the world agree that the feature of weak organization & strong linkages among the enterprises of the East Asia is very ordinary.
- 軟弱無力have no sting in it
- 軟弱無力的手段flaccid management.
- 他的握手軟弱無力。He gave me a limp handshake.
- 面對著沒有它的參與而興起的新因素,它顯得軟弱無力。Confronted by the new forces in whose growth it had had no share, the gentile constitution was helpless.
- 他的論證軟弱無力,甚至可以說很拙劣。His reasoning is weak, even shabby.
- 軟弱無力的四肢weak and puny limbs