- WHY-C precision constant temperature water bath is the development of new production which specially for microcomputer pyrogen thermometer. 1型精密恆溫水浴槽是我廠專為微機熱原測溫儀溫度標定而開發的新產品,操作簡單,性能可靠。
- He took a cold water bath to refresh himself and then went back to work again. 他沖了個冷水浴來恢復精神(清醒一下頭腦);然後又繼續回去工作了.
- But the scarcely after motion should develop cold water bath instantly, because motion brings about pore to stretch, cold water stimulation causes the disease such as the cold very easily. 但是運動后一定不要立即沖冷水澡,因為運動導致毛孔張開,冷水刺激很輕易引起感冒等病症。
- Play from inside the sea when people and return, below the Lin Yin of the beach everywhere can see shower column, develop a fresh water bath in time, reduced the briny harm to skin. 當人們從海中嬉戲而歸,在沙灘的林蔭下隨處可以看到淋浴柱,及時沖個淡水浴,減輕了海水對肌膚的傷害。
- Design orthogonal tests and study the extracting conditions of flavonoids in Ligustrum Lucidum Ait by using water bath. 設計正交試驗,採用水浴的方法對女真子中黃酮類物質的提取方法進行研究。
- As soon as Matthews finished working on a piece of wood she returned it to its water bath. 馬修斯每處理完一塊木頭就立即把它放回水槽。
- Add 10 ml 0.05 M potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and then put it in a 95-100 c water bath for 30 minutes. 加入10亳升的0.;05M高錳酸鉀溶液(KMnO4);沸水浴30分鐘。
- A method for determination of As in soils by water bath -- Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry was studied. 研究了水浴消解-原子熒光光譜法測定土壤中砷的方法。
- The closed system of bomb plus water bath has a constant volume and is thermally insulated. 放射性物質容器彈和水槽組成的封閉體系具有恆定體積,而且是絕熱的。
- Hitherto, Lenz Moser had been using an immersion rinser with a sulphureous water bath. 迄今為止,該酒廠一直使用帶硫酸的浸泡池滅菌裝置。
- Model for rod and pipe extrudate of amorphous plastics cooled in water bath is built based on heat transfer theory. 依據傳熱學原理,建立了無定形塑料棒狀和管狀擠出製品的水浴冷卻模型。
- Ground rhizomes of Rhubarb (Rheum Patmatum)were refluxed with 20% H 2SO 4 solution chloroform mixture on water bath. 西寧大黃小碎片加到20%25硫酸溶液和氯仿的混合液中,在水浴中迴流以水解、提取。
- Conclusion:The method of evaporating to dryness in a water bath in the assay will decrease the co... 結論:原含量測定方法中水浴蒸乾的操作會導致實測結果含量偏低。
- Water bath extraction was employed to extract the polysaccharide from the Capparis spinosa L. 採用常規水浴法提取新疆刺山柑多糖,並用苯酚-硫酸比色法測定多糖的含量。
- Lead bath quenching, Water bath quenching at your selection for maximum life of product. 採用鉛浴淬火、水浴淬火,將成為您對優貭產品的首選。
- Most are of enough hot air bath in which there is hot rooms, hot water bath, cold water bath rooms and breath. 最夠氣派的是熱澡堂,其內有熱氣室、熱水浴池、涼氣室和冷水浴池。
- In addition, microwave draw liquid has a better effect than hot water bath and selenium-rich Pleurotus Ost... 微波提取法提取的提取液比水煎法提取的提取液抑菌效果要好。富硒平菇對於各試驗菌的抑菌效果均比平菇要好。
- Bathroom, like housing, will more and more follow the fashion, more and more accord with tendency of the day, have impossibly so everywhere applicable bath develops a tendency. 浴室,像住房一樣,將越來越趕時髦、越來越符合時代潮流,所以不可能有到處都適用的沐浴發展趨勢。
- Did menstruation come to summer can cold water bathe? 夏天月經來了涼水可以洗澡嗎?
- The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentientbeings. 水的仁慈能沐浴眾生,可以澤及萬物;