- Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems 熱空氣加熱器和空調系統的安裝
- Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems 暖氣與空調系統的安裝標準
- fan assisted warm air heating unit 熱風供熱送風裝置
- cold and warm air heating radiator 冷暖風機
- Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft. 懸挂式滑翔機借著暖氣流在高空飛行。
- My glasses fogged in the warm air. 我的眼鏡因空氣溫暖而模糊了
- Cold air is actively burrowing under warm air. 冷空氣快速地潛入到暖空氣下面。
- The south wind blows warm air across the country. 南風把溫暖的空氣吹遍全國。
- Just let the warm air bathe over me. 讓熱風吹透了我的全身。
- Dalian Modern Heating Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. 大連現代採暖安裝工程有限公司。
- Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. 鳥利用暖氣流助飛。
- Ceiling fans circulated warm air around the room. 吊扇將屋子裡的熱空氣傳播開。
- As the warm air rises, cooler air takes its place. 熱空氣上升時,冷空氣便佔據它的位置。
- Layers of sedimentary rock;a layer of warm air. 多層的沉積岩;熱空氣層
- With the cycling warm air drying system. 具有熱風循環的烘乾系統。
- As the warm air gose uo, It cools down. 暖空氣走了,就會降溫.
- central warm air heating system 中央熱風供熱系統
- Eg We're having central heating installed. 我們在安裝中央供暖設施。
- We're having central heating installed. 我們正在安裝中央供暖設施。