- The first war crimes trial at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba can begin. 第一戰爭犯罪審判在古巴的關塔那摩海灣開始。
- The case marks the first Guantanamo war crimes trial. 這個案件為首次關塔那摩戰爭罪審判。
- Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has concluded his testimony at his war crimes trial in The Hague. 前賴比瑞亞總統查爾斯泰勒在海牙國際戰爭罪法庭上總結了他的證詞。
- The confessed mastermind of the 9 11 attacks calls his war crimes trial at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base "an inquisition, not a trial. 業已伏法的9-11襲擊事件策劃者在關塔那摩灣海軍基地稱,對其戰爭罪行的審判是「調查」而非審判。
- Yesterday six Pentagon-appointed jurors found Salim Hamdan guilty of aiding terrorism while acquitting him of conspiracy at the first US war crimes trial since World War II. 昨天6名委派的陪審員判定司機幫組恐怖主義罪名成立,但是判定他在伊拉克戰爭陰謀不成立。
- Some believe that in addition to venting our collective outrage at his murderous behavior, a war crimes trial would set a precedent for how a new world order would handle leaders who step out of bounds. 有些人認為,除了對他的殘暴行為集體泄忿外,審判戰犯將可建立一個新世界秩序對付越軌領袖的先例。
- Some believe that in addition to venting our collective outrage at his murderous behavior,a war crimes trial would set a precedent for how a new world order would handle leaders who step out of bounds. 有些人認為,除了對他的殘暴行為集體泄忿外,審判戰犯將可建立一個新世界秩序對付越軌領袖的先例。
- Shenyang and Taiyuan War Crime Trials 瀋陽和太原審判
- Evidence the team gathered in1999 and2000 was later used at war crimes trials in The Hague, Netherlands. 該小組在1999與2000年收集的證據稍後用於荷蘭海牙的戰犯審判。
- Evidence the team gathered in 1999 and 2000 was later used at war crimes trials in The Hague, Netherlands. 該小組在1999與2000年收集的證據稍後用於荷蘭海牙的戰犯審判。
- Refuses to cooperate in war crime investigation. 拒絕合作調查戰爭中的罪行。
- The general was executed for war crime. 這個將軍因為戰爭罪被處決。
- They will put Jim on trial for war crimes. 他們要以戰爭犯審判Jim。
- "Hitlerian" English of two war crime culprits data! 二戰元兇「希特勒」的英文資料!
- NO. Refuses to cooperate in war crime investigation. 否。拒絕合作調查戰爭中的罪行。
- Genocide is regarded by most as the ultimate war crime. 種族滅絕被視為最嚴重的的戰爭罪行。
- The Syria's president called Israel's offensive "a war crime". 敘利亞總統成以色列的進攻是戰爭犯罪。
- He said it was a milestone in Serbian cooperation with the war crime tribunal. 他說這是塞爾維亞與戰爭仲裁法庭合作的里程碑。
- General Bizimungu: I committed no war crimes. 我不認為自己是戰爭的罪人。