- Beyond those killed and wounded, one victim certainly looks to be the gradually improving peace process between India and Pakistan, nucle-ar-armed rivals who have fought three major wars between them. 除了造成慘重的傷亡,另一個中箭落馬的看來當然是印巴正逐步改善的和平進程;
- Kashmir confliction has perplexed the relations between India and Pakistan for more than a half-century. 長達半個多世紀的克什米爾問題一直困擾印度與巴基斯坦的關係,隨著印巴兩國矛盾尖銳以及雙方均已實際擁有核武器,克什米爾問題從根本上威脅到南亞地區乃至全球的安全穩定。
- In Bush administration, American diplomatic policy was characteristic of equilibrium between India and Pakistan. 布希執政時期,美國在印度與巴基斯坦之間實行一種等距離的均衡外交政策。
- The area is close to the line of control that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan. 這個地區在分割印度和巴基斯坦的克什米爾控制線附近。
- A.H.NAYYAR is a physicist and peace activist who has worked to bridge the divide between India and Pakistan. 納雅既是物理學者,也是和平運動工作者,想為印巴兩國搭起溝通的橋樑。
- The Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, in some way, was a tragic consequence of the hasty departure of the British from the subcontinent. 摘要印巴克什米爾爭端可說是英國倉促撤離印度次大陸的一個悲劇性結果。
- Located between India and Pakistan in Kashmir has been the most controversial areas of the bloody unrest occur from time to time. 位於印度與巴基斯坦之間的克什米爾,一直是爭議最多的地區,血腥動亂時有發生。
- Another important factor behind the flaring up of the border war between India and China was China's unfounded perception of Indian designs to seize Tibet. 中印邊界燃起戰火的另一個重要因素是中國無根據地認為印度在策劃奪取西藏。
- Armitage said on the 23rd in New Delhi that U.S. is closely monitoring the conflicts between India and Pakistan and will endeavor to help resolve issues between the two sides. 阿米塔吉二十三日在新德里說,美國正密切注意
- Sadly, this physical beauty is one of the reasons why the state of Jammu and Kashmir is engulfed in a bitter territorial dispute between India and Pakistan. 可悲的是?印巴拚死爭奪查謨-克什米爾邦?該邦的山川美麗?正是原因之一。
- Tensions between India and Pakistan, as well as the deteriorating relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan have threatened to overshadow the summit. 印度和巴基斯坦之間關係緊張,以及巴基斯坦和阿富汗之間的關係不斷惡化,可能給這次首腦會議蒙上陰影。
- The standoff has chilled relations between the two nuclear-armed neighbors and raised speculation there could be another armed confrontation between India and Pakistan. 這一僵局使得這兩個擁有核武器的鄰國關係冷淡,並令人猜測印度和巴基斯坦之間是否可能再次發生軍事對抗。
- S. senators is in South Asia, one of several sets of high-level foreign visitors trying to defuse rising tension between India and Pakistan following the Mumbai terror attacks. 他們跟其他到南亞地區訪問的外國高層人士一道正在試圖緩解印度和巴基斯坦之間因為孟買恐怖襲擊而正在加劇的緊張關係。
- A copper coin formerly used in India and Pakistan. 安那舊時在印度和巴基斯坦使用的銅幣
- They rose to prominence fighting in an Islamic insurgency in the Indian-controlled region of Kashmir, a predominately Muslim region divided between India and Pakistan. 他們已經發展成為印控克什米爾地區一隻伊斯蘭叛軍的戰鬥主力。克什米爾地區主要人口為穆斯林,目前由印度和巴基斯坦分別控制。
- Thousands of people have relatives on both sides of the border, but they have not been able to meet easily since 1947 when Bengal was divided between India and Pakistan. 數千計的人們在邊境的兩側都有親人,但從1947年,孟加拉被印度與巴斯基坦分裂之後,他們便難以相見。
- In terms of global security, better relations between India and Pakistan will be vastly more beneficial than the obliteration of the Saudi-born militant leader by a missile. 就全球安全來說,改善印度與巴基斯坦關係的積極意義將遠遠超過用一枚導彈將這位沙特出生的恐怖組織頭目送上西天。
- After the Sept.11 terrorist attacks, and the attack on the national parliament in New Delhi last December that led to military tensions between India and Pakistan, there have been increased contacts between the United States and India. 繼九一一恐怖攻擊事件,以及去年十二月新德里國會遭攻擊致使印度與巴基斯坦呈現軍事緊張情勢之後,美印間的接觸增加。
- Recently, the relations between India and Pakistan in South Asia have been growing more and more tense over the disputed Kashmir. As a result, the US defense intelligence updated this classified assessment report last week. 近來,地處南亞的印度與巴基斯坦因克什米爾爭議,兩國關係日趨緊張,美國國防情報局因而於上周更新這項被列入機密的評估。
- We hope for an early restoration of dialogue between India and Pakistan on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and the solution of all their differences, including the Kashmir issue, through peaceful means. 我們希望印度和巴基斯坦兩國在相互尊重和平等的基礎上早日恢復對話,以和平方式解決包括克什米爾問題在內的所有分歧。